Chapter 3

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Klonoa looks around. He doesn't see that portal creature which he is thankful for. But there are three large oozes that are blocking the way back and the mist creature blocks the way forward. Klonoa sweats as he realizes that he is up against enemies that take the least amount of damage from his Wind based attacks. Klonoa has one idea. The mist creature didn't disperse when he used a gust of wind but mearly pushed it back. Klonoa charges toward the mist and the mist readies an attack. It forms a massive jaw that could easily swallow him whole and Klonoa waited until the last second to fire a high pressure wind attack into its mouth. The creature wails before turning back into mist.

Klonoa: Let's go! My attacks aren't effective against the other ones!

Shaa: It seemed to have plenty of effect on that thing.

Klonoa: It was a gamble. I didn't know if it would work.

With that they continued on. Klonoa notices broken pieces of a metal bench. The next street lamp they came across after running for a while was also off.

Klonoa: So there are only five...

Shaa: You have to be joking to think we are going to run from street-

Klonoa: I know. But if we ended up back at the same places then this is a very small world. Or the path loops back on itself.

Shaa: ... So we have no choice but to go out of the path.

Klonoa: The sooner the better. I have no idea when my ring is going to run out of power.

Shaa: Is there a way to recharge it?

Klonoa: If you have magic then maybe.

Shaa: Where I come from if you don't know how to use magic then you don't deserve to use magic items.

Klonoa: Well agree to disagree Shaa. I doubt there is anyone else who could use this ring better than myself.

Shaa: Let me see it.

Klonoa gives it to her. Shaa seems to chant and the ring glows brighter as if recharged.

Shaa: I changed my mind you are impressive to use this item so effectively.

Klonoa: Haha! See! It isn't so easy.

Shaa: This is a common magic item. Bottom of the barrel if it existed in my world.

Klonoa: W-what?!

Shaa: You managed to use it and push it past its limits. It will break soon. Even if you use its intended functions now it won't extend its usability.

Klonoa: I don't believe you! I used it all the time and there never was any problem with it.

Shaa: You don't see the cracks? Didn't it seem like some enemies require two attacks instead of one when before once was more than enough? I could patch it but it would not a permanent fix. I could totally make a better item.

Klonoa: Highly doubt it.

Shaa: Well... I can't right now. I don't have the tools or materials and I don't want to go back for them.

Klonoa: So how long will it last?

Shaa: One to three combat encounters.

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