Chapter 2

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??? time has passed

Klonoa: ... How much time have I been here.... Five minutes? Thirty two hours?.... No. I am sure of it.... There is no sun. It is always night here. I hate it here....

Klonoa had moved from his starting street lamp light and finds that there are more up ahead. He doesn't even feel hungry or thirsty though the smell of slight decay would make him lose appetite anyway. Klonoa felt safe enough from the rarity of those monsters and went to sleep.

 Seven hours later the light flickered off and Klonoa is woken up in the dark by rain and a slushing wet noise coming toward him. Klonoa groans and points his wind ring at the source of the sound. From the darkness he can barely see a massive colorless gooey amorphous creature. He fires but it had no effect on it. Klonoa then realized that it was slow. Very slow. He could easily outwalk it and it wasn't heading for him just the direction he was at which was the street lamp.

 Klonoa gets close and against his better judgement touched it. It was acidic and it burned straight through his gloves and burned his skin. Klonoa ended up using the wind ring to blast a part of his skin in order to get rid of the acid. The slimy ooze makes a wet gurgling sound and an eye that looks like it was made of fire opens from it and stares at him. Pseudopods comes out of it and strikes at Klonoa with shocking speed. Klonoa dodged but hit a tree. His eyes have not yet fully adjusted to the darkness.

klonoa: Gha! I need light at the very least! or the mist to go away!

Klonoa uses his wind ring to create an flash of light and to blow away the mist around the area. The mist is blown away but suddenly stops moving as if it was on pause. The mist then seems to slither and move slowly as if it was alive. Klonoa is so focused on the other creature he fails to notice.

Klonoa: There has to be something around here that I can use! 

Klonoa spots a metal bench and so he uses his wind ring to grab it and fling it at the formless mound and it seemed to absorb it and gain a metal body. In fact it seem to use it to create a new form for itself. A metal canine with one massive eye of flame. It lunges at Klonoa who normally would be freaking out if he hadn't do something like this before in other worlds. He creates a wind sword from his ring and strikes it. It falls apart and oozes slime.

Klonoa: Wah-....ow....ow..... ow..... ugh.... My arm....

Klonoa looks down and sees his arm is bleeding. He knows better than to hope for aid so he takes a piece of his shirt and uses it to bandage it. Klonoa sees that the mist seems to have disappeared on the path forward and so he runs not wanting to stay in the area. Good thing too because the mist had formed a jaw and was going to chomp on his head and missed because Klonoa moved. Klonoa hadn't noticed. The mist began to follow him. 

Klonoa's thoughts: I would REALLY like to see real living people.... It's almost intolerable to be here alone..... No... It is...

Klonoa then sees a light up ahead. He runs at full speed toward it. He is confused as when he arrives at the source of light it is just dangling down a cable instead of there being any street lamp. Klonoa sits down to rest in the light. The entire time he feels unnerved like something isn't right. Then again nothing here feels right, but this was like he had made a mistake that may end up costing his life. Klonoa looks around and saw the light move away from him deeper into the forest away from the beaten path.

Klonoa: .... I think I won't follow the light... The marked path seems like a better option....

Klonoa wishes he had someone else to talk to. It would feel better than talking to himself. Especially when talking to himself feels so loud in this quiet world. Klonoa was half tempted to make a Willson just to feel like he has someone to talk to until he hears a scream. Not a monstrous scream but a feminine scream. Klonoa freezes as he ponders if he should help. For all he knows it is likely a trap. But at heart he is a hero and so he pushed those thoughts aside and ran into the woods off the path and toward the sound of the scream.

Klonoa: What lurks in the mistWhere stories live. Discover now