Chapter 4: Horror of one's own making

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Klonoa: It was a REALLY good hat! I would really like some comfort rather than being judged.

Shaa: We all do. You helped me when I was confused, disorientated, and scared and saved me. Now that I can think clearly I think you might need my help just as much. I rather be blunt than to sugar coat anything.

Klonoa: The building is warping, none of the rooms are normal and the whole-

Shaa: Calm down and breathe. So this building has a spatial anomaly. Is that about right?

Klonoa: Yeah. I don't think staying in this mansion is going to help us get out of here. I think we should go outside again and be sneaky and hide in the trees. It would be risky but if my ring can hold on for a month that should be enough time to figure out a better plan.

Shaa: That is actually a good plan. See what slowing down and thinking thinks through can do?

Klonoa: You could have not said that last part...

Shaa: You like to fight don't you? Are you normally like this to your parents or grandparents?

Klonoa: .... Let's go.

Shaa: I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I'm not here to make friends. I am going home. This is a nightmare and I must escape it. Do you?

Klonoa: I am getting tired of going home... There isn't anyone there. Can we change the subject?

Shaa: Fine. 

Klonoa opens the front door and is tired of this mansion already. He walk out into a room and sits down before jumping from the sudden realization. Klonoa was sure that door lead outside. Klonoa goes back out and tries opening a window but it doesn't budge. He creates a wind hammer from his ring and breaks the window. Klonoa still had to squeeze through the frame and he landed on the glass but only got minor scratches. Shaa follows him and her thin build just bearly was able to get through.

Shaa: Sigh... There may be a magic sword where you first found me.

Klonoa: WHAT?! Why didn't you take it with you?!

Shaa: It is in a special case that has enchantments that require some time to open. And I'll save you the thought. Yes. It is very possible that the area that I arrived in may in fact be its home.

Klonoa: No... Not worth it.

Shaa: Very much worth it. If I had the slightest hesitation about the seal then I would have taken it with me. It is worth more then you and I.

Klonoa: Nothing is worth more than life.

Shaa: Not where I come from. That sword is an artifact sword that was lended to my clan's shrine. I am duty bound to return it at all costs. Even if it costs me my life.

Klonoa: Not even I am THAT obsessed with my ring. It isn't healthy.

Shaa: So how will the lord who lended it to my clan feel when he come to get his sword back? Sit down and calmly drink tea with my clan and family? NO! Death, Klonoa. Death is the punishment for hiding the sword and keeping it.

Klonoa: I... Had no idea...

Shaa: You are like a grand master thief if they were a child. I may not have combat experience but I am certain I can shape you into a warrior. Starting with your attitude.

Klonoa: I think I will turn down that offer. I am taking the path of a hero. I know it isn't about the glory, praise, or reward. I just want to help people by kicking evil's butt.

Shaa: But seriously. That sword outclasses your ring about a hundred times over.

Klonoa: And you left it.

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