Chapter 8

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They ended up preventing each other from splitting up by catching them just as they were trying to leave. In the end they all decide to stay together.

Klonoa: So what are we looking for?

Cattin: It is a plant that looks like a red sunflower. It is rather hard to miss. It isn't safe to just pick one. It is a difficult plant to deal with...

Klonoa: .... But now we are going together.

Carl: I am so glad we have finished arguing. I feel much better today. I might be handling this cursed blood better!

Cattin: That's good! But still... You need the potion. After a few more doses you would have to actively try to lose control!

Carl: I don't plan on becoming a boss monster anytime soon so all good!

Klonoa typing: Good to hear!

They hear the sound of something crawling and teeth grinding. Carl stays back. Klonoa knows to strike first and so he does. It was a small creature. Like a mutated snake but its head was almost comically larger than its body and had countless teeth that didn't align. It was still trying to kill them so Klonoa quickly dealt with it. Klonoa then sees something in the corner of his eye. It was the sunflower plant. He would have never seen it had he not looked at this direction.

Klonoa: CATTIN! I FOUND IT!!! 

Cattin: W-what?! You did?! I-I- HOW?! I..... This is GREAT NEWS! 

Carl: What?! What's going on?!

Cattin: I.... I was prepared to go out and die..... Klonoa found the flower! I can make the potion!

Carl: Huh?! That's great! I am freaking suffering!

Cattin: H-huh?

Carl: Of course I'm not feeling good! It HURTS! It is bypassing my gamer ability.... Normally I don't even feel pain..... It is eating me from the inside..... But it is better than yesterday.

Cattin rushes over to Klonoa who is ten feet away from the plant. Klonoa is avoiding looking at it it seems to give him a headache just looking at it but from an overwhelming positive energy. Cattin makes a look of utter disgust and seems repulsed as burn her very skin. She collects it's petals.

Cattin: Klonoa. This plant is called the Sol fluxus flower. I HATE this- If you are ever poisoned.... or ill with some foreign flesh eating disease or parasite or for emergency healing. Then mash the petals into a fine paste. Eat it or apply it to your wounds. I will have extra petals after making the potions. I will... NOT pick these again!

Klonoa: C-Cattin... I.... 

Cattin: I'm... Sorry.... That was.... Out of character for me.... I can't STAND those flowers. And they are somewhat common... It's.... Annoying.

Carl: Stupid flowers.

Klonoa: Um.... Ok?

Klonoa is confused. They seem so disgusted by the flower as if they had hated it for a long time. Their reaction was so vivid and extreme that he was scared they were possessed. But then again he knew nothing about what was what in this world. They had to eat while he didn't. He was... The stranger here. Klonoa decided not to push for information and just watches Cattin make the potion. 

Cattin: All done! It was made with my blood, sweat, and tears. A little more on the literal side...

Carl: Finally!~

Carl drinks a potion and lets out a sigh of relief.

Carl: Much better! I am glad I didn't split off from the group!

Klonoa: This felt too easy...

Carl: You think so ghost?

Klonoa: Yea- I didn't type.

Carl: I can't hear you. I was thinking and wondered if you thought so too. This was.... almost like plot convenience.

Cattin: Surely something good is bound to happen eventually right?

Klonoa: Yeah!

Klonoa feels relieved. He feels as if he dodged a CRUSHING tragedy. He is careful and won't let his friends die. The power of friendship REALLY does save the day. Klonoa knows he should enjoy this small victory, but still be on guard because it could so easily be taken away in a heartbeat.

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