How Is He Allowed Near Kids?

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The next morning during homeroom Aizawa announces that we have our first heroics lesson just before lunch, that the teacher is new (- and a complete buffoon-) and we are to be on our best behaviour in their class.

Present Mic(- PRESENT MIC!!) taught us English, and Ectoplasm was our Mathematics teacher in our morning classes. At the moment we're waiting for the heroics teacher, heroics being our last two classes just before our lunch break.

Hushed gossiping is heard throughout the room, people trying to guess who the teacher will be, and what we might be doing in the class. Stomping echoes in the hallway outside the classroom door, it's volume raises as it gets closer.

"I AM-"

There's a puff of smoke and the door slams open,


All Might poses at the top of the room, everyone goes mental. People are leaping out of their seats, yelling, and cheering. Their all too excited for me so I cover my ears to attempt tuning out and lessening the loudly cheering students, I notice Jiro doing the same in her seat.

"She must have sensitive hearing over her quirk"

"Good afternoon young students! I am here to teach you everything you need to know in heroics! But, a hero is not just the person! No! A hero is the suit and the looks! Aha!"

He presses something on the underside of the teachers desk at the top of the room and a mechanical hissing sounds from the wall. Twenty boxes extend out from the flat surface and each has a number on it, going from one all the way to twenty.

"Grab your case with your desk number and meet me outside in Ground Beta! I can't wait to see you all!"

Everyone dashes to their cases and rushes from the room at impressive speeds. Hitoshi and I collect our cases, mine being nineteen and his is eleven.

I choose to change in one of the private rooms connected to the changing room, I tell Hitoshi as such and lock the door behind myself before setting my case on the bench and clicking it open.

I gaze into the case with curiosity and dark fabric stares back at me, I begin to change into the outfit. A silver coloured, skin-tight long-sleeved top with extra padding and protection at the joints.

A full length midnight blue pants with silver lining and stitching, with a tough material reinforcing the knee area that is barely visible to outside eyes. Next, I pick out two medium-length strips of pitch black fabric; a note attached to them instructs me to wrap them around my lower arms, which I do.

I take another top from the case; it reaches my elbows and is just slightly skin tight, but the fabric provides a little give, allowing it to hang a centimetre away from my body. After fitting the top, I survey the case before deciding on another pair of pants.

It's a midnight blue, reaching down to my ankles, and has a thin line of material that hooks below my heel under my feet. It hangs loosely on my legs, but not loosely enough for someone to be able to grab a handful of the fabric.

The last top, a jacket of sorts, is next; it's made of a stunning and almost glittering black fabric with sliver stitching in the lining and areas surrounding my elbows and collar.

As I slip into it, the fabric appears to pause briefly on my joints, at my elbows, shoulders, and wrists, multiple clicks sound, and the jacket fuses with the padded areas of the tops beneath it.

I twirl in my place, while tying the last of the slim buttons at the front, the end of the jacket swirls with me just reaching my mid-thighs.

Next, reaching into the case I raise a belt with different compartments on it, the base of the belt is pitch black and the compartments are midnight blue, and the lining on it is a sparkling silver. I wrap the utility belt around my waist and check each compartment for their contents.

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