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The Witch/Skeleton is the 16th troop you will be able to make. The Witch has her power based on how you use her; if correctly she is VERY powerful. She is similar to Golem in that she summons two-four Skeletons. Keep your Witch alive and she will bring a whole bunch of dead troops back through Skeletons.

Witch have a movement speed of 12, takes up 12 housing space, train for 20 minutes, and attack whatever you have them attack.

The Witch at lvl1 has 25 damage per second, hitpoint of 75, and summons three Skeletons. It costs 250 DE, and is already upgraded to max.

Lvl2 the damage per second changed to 30, the hitpoint is 100, and summons four Skeletons. It's cost is 350 DE. To upgrade to this you will need laboratory seven and 75,000 DE with 10 days till it's done.

Whereas Skeletons have a movement speed of 24, and don't really take up housing space, or train time since they come with the Witch in the battle.

The Skeleton at lvl1 has 25 damage per second, hitpoint of 45, damage per attack is 21.

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