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Im Waaaay Behind Schedule . Had To Drive To The Warehouse And Have a Meeting With Ricardo . He A Mexiacn Mf'er . One Of My Connects . I Needed More Of His Product & He Needed 2X As Much Of My Product . After Meeting With Him I Had To Go And Finish Shit With Stacks . He Still Didn't Wanna Talk So I Cut His Finger Off . Ashley Been Blowing My Line So I Scooped Her Up . By The Time I Made It To My House To Get Ready It Was 3:00 .

Rock: Damn Mane .

Ashley: Whats Wrong Baby ?

Rock: Im Behind On Shit . I Supposed To Been Picked Up My Baby mama And Been At my Mama House .

Ashley: What She Gota Meet Yo Mama For

Rock: She is My Baby Mama Ashley. Ian Gota explain Myself .

Ashley: Whatever Rock

I Walked passed Her Upstairs And started My Shower . I Called Kari So She Wouldn't Do No Stupid Shit Like Take Her Clothes And Shit Off

Phone Convo

Kari: Hello

Rock: Where You At ?

Kari: Hair Shop , Yeen Come So I Came To The Hair Shop .

Rock: I Hope You'll Be Done By 4' Some Shit Came Up So I Was Late Coming Back To The House To Get Ready

Kari: Umhmmm

Rock: Lose The Attitude Mane

Kari: Umhmm Bring Me a Slush From Sonic .

Rock: Ight .

I Hung Up , Took My Clothes Off And Got In The Shower . I Showered For 30mins Before Getting Out . I Brushed My Teeth , Put On Deodarant And My Boxers . I Walked In The Room Putting On Socks And My Clothes . (In MM) By The Time I Was Finished It Was 3:45 . I Jogged Downstairs And Headed Out With Ashley On My Heels

-Kari P.O.V

Being Pregnant Ain't No Joke . I'm Always Horny Or Hungry . And Right Now Its Both . I Was In Desperate Need Of Getting My Hair Did So I Went . I Feel So Much BETTER . I Got My Feet And Nails Did Too . As I Was Pulling In The Drive Way , Rock Was Pulling Up On The Curb . I Turnt The Car Off Applied More Carmex , And Eyeliner Before Grabbing my Purse And Getting Out .

Rock: Why You Got Heels On ?

Kari: Can you Leave Me Alone

Rock: I Asked You a Question

Kari: Im Grown Ion Gota Answer It .

Rock: Ima Beat Yo Mf'n Ass

Kari: Boy Come On . Im Horny And Hungry . Now Im Annoyed .
Rock: Disfuctional Ass .

He Helped Me Down The Drive Way To His Car . His Girlfriend Was In The Front Seat . Ion Do Drama But I Dislike Her , She Too Disrespectful .

Living In Atlanta Has Changed Me a Little . Im More Outspoken And Smart Mouth Than Ever .

Kari: Rock , Can You Ask Her To Get In The Back Seat .

Rock: Ash , Bae Get In The back

Ashley: Fuck Her .

Kari: Know What , Never Mind

I Got In The Back And Grabbed My Slush . This Bitch Was Trying Me . Pregnant Or Not Ill Deck Her And Then Beat Her Ass OVER & OVER .



I Pulled Up Behind Chandra Car And Turned The Car Off . Ashley Was Pissing Me Off The Whole Ride Here . She Just Always On My Fucking Back , Wanting Money And Shit . I Walked Around To Kari Side And Helped her Out . That Ass Was Sitting Right In Them Jeans .

Chandra: Yung Mama Gone Get You

Rock: What I Do ?

Chandra: Ion Know . Who's This Pretty Pregnant Lady ?

Rock: My Baby Mama . Kari My Sis In Law Chandra , Chandra My Baby Mama Kari

Chandra: So Glad Yeen Get Ashley Ass Pregnant . Telling You She a Gold Digger .

Rock: Aight Chan . Ion Wanna Hear That Right Na'

Chandra: Whatever Yung

Kari: Don't Nobody Like Yo Girl

Rock: Shut Up .

Ashley: Hey Mama Sheila steps in the house

MamaSheila: Its Ms. Sheila . Who's This Yung ?

Rock: Kari This My Mama Sheila , Mama she Carrying Yo Grandchild . This Kari

Kari: Hey Ms. Sheila extends Hand

MamaSheila: looks at It Noo Baybeh I Give Us . Hugs her nice Meeting You . You Hungry ?

Kari: No Thank You

MamaSheila: My Son Told Me How It Happened . Im Not Judging .You Seem Like a Nice Sweet Girl . You Work ?

Kari: Not Yet . Im Trying To Find A Beauty Salon To Work At

MamaSheila: Chandra Owns Her Own Shop And She Needs Another Worker . Talk To Her

Kari: I Will , Thank You .

MamaSheila: How Many Months Are You ?

Kari: Two

MamaSheila: Aaawe She Gonna Be a Big Baby You Look 3 Months

Kari: smiles

Ashley : You Can Have A Full Blown Conversation With A Girl That Had a ONE Night Stander With Yo Son But Can't Give me , His Girlfriend a time Of Day ?

MamaSheila: Giiiiirl Let Me Tell You Some . You Disrespectful , And Ion Take a Liking Into You . She Walked In My house With Some Respect Some You Never Did . You Dress Like a Hoochie . If You Don't Get Out My Face Little Girl

Next Chapter Will Be a Part Two to This !! I Just Wanted To Give a Quick Update !! Next Three Chapters Will Be Filled With Drama To Get You Guys On The Edge Of Your Seats !!! Sorry If This Chapter Is Boring

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