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Ashley: Whatever , This Is So Wrong .

MamaSheila: Okay Bye Chile . Get Out My Face

Kari: chuckles

MamaSheila: Excuse Me Chile . Ion Like That Girl . But August Insist On Bringing Her Over Here All The Time !

Rock: Mama , Stop It . The Girl Crying

MamaSheila: So


I Shook My Head And Grabbed Ashley Hand And Took Her To The Bathroom .

Rock: Yo Stop Crying . Everything Gone Be Ight

Ashley: Why Don't Yo Mom Like Me ?

Rock: Maybe You Should Stop Being So Disrespectful And Close Yo Mouth At Times .

Ashley: Im Sorry Baby

Rock: Ight .

I Kissed Her and Kissed Her Again With Tongue Until She Pulled Away .

Ashley: Rock !! You Been Fucking Her Haven't It ?

Rock: What ?

Ashley: Those Hickeys All Over Your Neck !!!! Big Ass Hickeys On Your Neck And You Wanna Come Kiss On Me

Rock: Look You Gone Lower Yo Tone When You Talking To Me !

Ashley: Fuck You !


I pushed Rock Out My Way And Stormed Down To The Kitchen .

Ashley: You Like Being a Hoe Don't It . Won't You Stay Away From Rock That Baby Ain't His Anyway . You Stupid Piece Of Shit .

Kari: Girl If You Don't Get Out My Face with That

MamaSheila: Ashley Get Yo Ratchet Ass Out My House

Ashley: Fuck You Sheila Pushes Mama Sheila And Then Pushes Kari Off The Stool Causing Her To Fall . Bougie Ass Bitches !

Chandra: Walks In YUNG !!!!! Oh MY GOSH !! Kari You Okay ?

Kari: Cries It Hurts Soooo Bad

Rock: Yo Wtf Happened ?

Ashley: They Bitches And I Pushed Them .

One Move Rock Picked Ashley Up By Her Throat Choking Her Before Throwing Her Across The Kitchen

Chandra: Yung Get Her To The Hospital Now Shes Bleeding . Me And Mama Will Follow You


If I Loose My Seed Cause Of Ashley Stupid Ass . Ima Send Two To Her Brain . I lifted Kari Up And Carried Her To My Car And Rushed To The Hospital She Was Crying And Moaning In pain .

_________The Hospital__________

Rock: Yo I Need a Dr My Baby Mama Pregnant And Bleeding

Nurse: We Need a Dr . ! Right now

They Brought Out a Stretcher And Put Her On It . And Took Her To The Back . Shit Couldn't Get No Better . My Phone Rung And I Answered It .

Rock: Wassup ?

Ro: The Trap Just Got Shot Up . 8 Of Our Boys Gunned Down .

Rock: Fuck !!! Im At The Hospital Right Na . Get All The Shit And Transfer It To The East Side . Round Up All The Niggas And Get To The Warehouse .

Ro: Aight

I Hung Up Just As The Dr Came Out

Dr. Sims: Hey , Im Dr. Sims Kari Normal Doctor . Mhmm She Lost Two Of Her Babies One Made It . The Fall Must Have Been Hard And The Way She Landed Crushed The Babies . I Actually Had To Go In And Get The Fetuses . But This Will Cause Her To Be On Bed Rest For 6 Weeks And Eat Healthy .

Rock: Curses Can I Go See Her ?

Dr. Sims: Yes You Can . Her Room Is 632

I Took The Elevator Up To Her Room And Walked In She Was Looking Blankly At The TV

Kari: I Was Gonna Have Triplets . And Your Girlfriend Killed Two Of My Babies . I Hate You And Her . My Life Was Perfectly Fine Before You !! Now Im A Piece Of Shit !

Rock: This Shit Hurt Me Too Knowing I Lost Two Of my Seeds So Chill With All That Shit K .

Kari: Fuck You . Get Out My Sight !

MamaSheila: Hey , Hey Whats Going On

Kari: August Is The Problem . I Wished That One Night stand Would Of Never Happened ! His Little Demon Of a Girlfriend Caused Me To loose 2 Of My Babies .

MamaSheila: Baybeh Calm Down .

Chandra: You Where Having Twins ?

Kari: Triplets Tears Fall

Chandra: OH My God . Im So So So Sorry Kari

Kari: I Should Of Never Moved Down Here ! I Hate You Rock

MamaSheila: Kari Stop , Just Calm Down

Rock: Mane Fuck Her . This Is Fucking Atlanta ! Its The Fast Life Shit Happens . This Is What You Get When You Live In ATL .

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