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Three Weeks Later


Kari Been Out The Hospital For A Week Now , And Instead Of Being On Bed Rest . She's Been Planning Her Future .

Rock Has Been On Trips To Visit His Connects . And Get More Products And Money . After What Happen At The Hospital , He Thinks Kari Will Still Be With Him . And The Argument Meant Nothing

Skyler And Cam , Aren't Together But They Are Loyal To Eachother . With Imani Still Having Feelings For Cam , She's Trying Any And Everything To Win Him Back .

It Doesn't Matter Because The Drama Hasn't Ended . Its Only Rising !

DadKent: What You Doing Baby Girl ?

Kari: Going Through This Baby Stuff .

DadKent: Its Some You Should Know About , And I Think You Should Come Over Here .

Kari: What's It About Daddy ?

DadKent: sighs Your Mother Has Been Doing Some Messed Up Shit Baby Girl

Kari: Im On My Way

DadKent: Okay

- Kari

I've Been Stressed Lately , And Its Not Good For My Baby . Rock Has Been An Ass To Me And Ive Did Nothing But Hold Him Down & Been Loyal To Him . Its Driving Me Insane . I Was Packing Up All The Baby Stuff . I Just Couldn't Live Here Anymore . I Changed Out My Sleeping Clothes & Slid On a White Tank Top , Black Tights And Some Flip Flops . It Was a Lil Chilly So I Grabbed My Jacket And Slipped It On . I Was Still Healing From The Shots & Didn't Really Feel Like Dressing . I Grabbed My Purse , Phone & Keys & Headed Downstairs Taking My Time . When I Made It To The Kitchen Rock Was Walking Through The Door With His Suitcases .

Rock: Where You Finna Go ?

Kari: Out .

Rock: Ight

I Rolled My Eyes & Grabbed a Bottle Of Cranberry Juice Before Leaving Out . I Got Into MY Car And Started It Up Before Pulling Off .

I Know My Mother is Full Of Shit , I Just Wanna Know What Has She Did This Time . After Driving The Distance To Their House . I Pulled Up Parking The Car & Getting Out . I Used My Key To Unlock My Door And Walked In The House

Kari: Yo Im Here

DadKent: Dessi , You Gone Tell That Girl The Shit You Been Doing !

Kari: Yo Whats Going On Takes a Seat On The Couch

DadKent: Your Mama a Hoe

Kari: Daddy !

DadKent: Tell Her The Fucked Up Shit You Did Dessi

MamaDessi: Kari , You Know , I Love You

Kari: Say It

MamaDessi: Sighs Kent's Not Your Real Father .

Kari: What The Hell You Mean ?

MamaDessi: I Cheated On Your Father , And When I Found Out I Was Pregnant I Told Your Dad He Had Gotten Me Pregnant . Your Real Father Is Ro .

DadKent: That Officer ?! Ain't That Nigga Like 20 Some

MamaDessi: No , He's 39 . He Just Looks Young

Kari: Daddy You Knew ?

DadKent: She Didn't Tell Me Till You Where In The Hospital .looks At Dessi And I See , She Done Left Some Things Out .

Kari: How Could You ?! You Supposed To Be My Mama ! But You Worried Bout Me , When You Have Some Fucked Up Ways !!

MamaDessi: Kari , Iiii Im Sorry .

Kari: I've Been Calling Somebody Daddy For 20 Something Years . And You Just Been Enjoying Your Little games ! Is He Kayla Father ?

MamaDessi: Kent Is Kayla's Biological Daughter !

DadKent: Kari , Nomatter What ! You ARE My First Born ! You ARE My Baby Girl . You May Not Be Mine Biological But You're Mine .

I Broke Down Crying And Ran Into His Arms . He's Been My Daddy For This Long , So Im Gonna Continue Calling Him That ! Nothing Changes ! But My Mother , I've Lost All Respect For Her

MamaDessi: Im In Some Trouble And I Need Your Help . You Have To Turn Rock In For Me And Help Me Get $90.5K .

DadKent: Dessi , I Want a Divorce ! I Can't Deal With Your Bull Nomore . You Can Have Your Car , And Everything I Brought You , But This House Is Mines !

MamaDessi: Kent ! No ! I Need You !

Kent: Get Out My House !

MamaDessi: Kent

Kent: Ill Have My Lawyer Serve You With The Divorce Papers .

As My Mother Left Out The House I Fell Back On The Couch . I Needed A Break ,

Kari: Daddy I Wanna Get Away From Atlanta .

DadKent: Where You Wanna Go , Back To New York ?

Kari: Yes . I Wanna Go Before The Baby Comes .

DadKent: Lets Get To Packing Then . I Have This House Still Up There , You Can Stay In That

Kari: Thank You Daddy

DadKent: Im Always Your Daddy , I Love You Lady Bug

Kari: I Love you Too Dad laughs

How Was The Last Chapter I ot Some Comments That Where "WOW" "Speechless" And Etc . Do That Mean The Chapter Was Good ? .

Also The First Chapter Of My 2nd Book Is Up ! Its Called Nobody's Love . The First Chapter Maybe Boring But I Promise Its Gonna Get Good .


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