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Kari: Ahhhhhhh August .

Rock: Damn Kari , Shit .

Kari: Auguuuuuuuuust . Hell .

Rock: Kari , Shit You Hurting My Fucking Hands .

Kari: Why This Baby Won't Come Out . Im Hurting

Rock: Get a Damn Drug , Shit

Cha: Puts The Cold Towel On Her Forehead Its Gone Be Ok Bug . I Promise

- Skyler

Kari Been In Labor For 13 Hours Now . Her Water Broke When Her And Rock Was Having Sex . Lol , That Was Funny How Rock Said Her Water Broke When He Was Hitting It From The Back . But We All Was In The Room Making Sure Everything Was Okay And Supporting Her .

DadKent: Bet You'll Stop Having Sex Now .

Kari: No

Cha: Laughs

Kari: It Hurts Soooo Bad

Dr. Sims : Kari , You're 7 Meters Dialated . To Speed It Up You Could Walk Around And Get Baby Girl To Come Faster , Wanna Do That ?

Kari: Nods

Dr. Sims: While You're Walking Around We're Gonna Transfer You To a Much Bigger Room . Family You Could Wait In The Family Room Thats On The Same Hall As Her Room .

- Rock

We Were Still in New York . I Killed That Nigga Drew Not Even a Day Ago , Im Fucking The Shit Outa Kari When Her Water Broke . That Was Crazy As Hell . After Helping Her Out The Bed , We Walked Down The Halls .

Kari: August , Im Hurting

August: Hold On To Me Then .

Kari: Hold On To His Torso Fuck ! Ian Having Nore Babies

Rock: Yes The Fuck You Is

Kari: Boy , You Funny . This Shit Is Painful . Ahhhhh

I Walkes behind Kari Holding On To Her Massaging Her Waist .

Kari: Lets out a Moan Thats Feels Good .

Rock: You Feel Like You Ready To Push ?

Kari: Nods Its Coming !!! Yells

I Picked Her Up Bridal Style And Carried her To The Room . After Laying Her On The Bed She was Ready To Push .

Dr. Sims: Im Gonna Count To 5 Hold Your Push until I Say 5 . Go .


Kari: Uhhhhh

Dr.Sims: Do It Again This Time Until I Say 10 . Go


Kari: Get This Fucking Baby Outa Me , Shit !!!!!

Kayla: Come on Sissy You Got It . Keep Pushing

Dr.Sims: Give Me Your Hardest Push

Kari: Ughhhhhhhhhh ! Ahhh

Dr.Sims: She's Here . Your Baby Girl Has Just Been Born .

Dr. Sims Wiped Some of The Stuff Off Before Laying Her On Kari's Chest . She Had a head Full Of Hair . She Was Pretty !

Dr.Sims: Whats Gonna Be her Name

Kari: Crying Looks at Rock

Rock: Royalty

Kari: Royalty Camise Alsina .

Dr.Sims: Cut The Cord Daddy

Rock Cut The Cord

Dr. Sims , We're Gonna Go Clean Her Up And Bring Her Back .

10mins Later

Royalty Camise Alsina . Born August 14th 2015 . At 3:45 P.m 6 Pounds 2 Ounces .

- Rock

To My New Born Daughter . Your Daddy Always Gone Love You And Always Gone Be Here For You . You Ain't Gotaa Never Want For Shit . I May Be Out Here Doing Illegal Shit But Im Completing This Shit For You , Im Grinding For You . Im Living For You . I Love You Baby Girl .

- Kari

Mama's Baby . Im Young And Im Learning . But I Promise To Always Be Here For You , Give You All My Loving . Be a Good Mother To You . You Won't Never Have To Want For Anything . Everything I Do For Now Out , Is For You . Ima Grind For You . Im Living on Earth Now For You . I Love You Baby .

Rock: When We Get Outa Here We Need To Talk .

Kari: Kisses The Baby Okay .

Rock: We Made a Pretty Ass Baby . Naaah a Beautiful Ass Baby .

Kari: She Has My Nose . And The Rest Is All Your Lanky Ass .

Rock: Don't Hate

Kayla: Walks In


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