Chapter 33: Jessie's Girl

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Jessie's grown up too! We've been friends for a years but we had to separate ways for college. He went to Boston while I'm in London. A very, very, very close family friend of ours.


Jessie hugs my tight. Ohh, it has been years!

"Oh my gosh! How are you?!" I was so thrilled. "Very fine! Oh, boo! I missed you!" He hugs me again. "Yah! Oh my. I don't wanna release you anymore!" I say. "Louis! Remember Jessie?!" I look at Louis while my other arm is around Jessie and his to mine. "Yup! We talked a while ago. Sure you did miss your boo, didn't you?" Lou asks Jessie. "Did miss my boo." Jessie says.

"Oh, I also want you to meet Niall, Liam and Harry. My best friends, team mates too. The other one, Zayn is in LA now but we contact via Skype. My lovely girlfriend, Eleanor and Liam's girlfriend, Danielle. And Ava? Would you do the honour to introduce this person in front of you?" He asks.

"I would love to." I smiled and walked towards Tom. "This Tom. My boyfriend." I proudly say. "Now who told this I wouldn't have one?" I tease Jessie. "Nice to meet you." Tom shakes hands with Jessie. "Nice to meet you---oh wait. Are you the diver? From the Olympics?" Jessie asks. "I am." Tom answers with a smile. "Lucky you, Ava." Jessie looks at me. "Aha!" I laughed. "Who are you with?" I ask Jessie. "Just Mum. She wanted to stay over here, we missed you, guys." He answers. "That's cool! I remember before when you stay over our house just because it's near our school." I say. "Yah! And we would enjoy long walks and nights and---" "Boyfriend's there, Jess." Louis says. "Nah, it's fine. It's just friendship." Tom says. "Oh, sorry. But we were this close before." Jess pushes me close to him and laughed.

"You're insane! Would you like a cup of tea or something?" I ask Jess. "What do you have? Hmm." He pulls my hand and we went to the kitchen.

*Tom's POV*

The Jessie guy feels so at home when he just came. I can see that he's really close with Ava.

"Don't worry. They're always like that." Louis says. "I'm not worried. I'll be up in my room for a while. Have to check on my family." I say. "We'll come with you!" Danielle says and look at Eleanor.

"Tom! Would you like to eat too?" Ava runs to me. "I'm okay. Thank you. I'll be up first." I say. "Okay---" "Boo!" I hear Jessie. "Coming! I'll check on Jess for a while." Says Ava.

"Why do they call each other Boo?" Asks Eleanor. "I don't know. I guess they just want to." Louis answers.

I went up to our room and talked with my mum.

10PM, Ava's still not here in bed to sleep with me. I was just playing on my iPad, watching television and texting my mates.

I'm losing my patience as I can see the clock's moving and she's not yet here!

"Bye, boo!" Ava says before she closes the door. "What a day!" She laughs and falls at the bed. "Get dressed and sleep." I tell her. "Do I smell?" "You smell like Jessie's perfume." I honestly say. "It does smell good." She adds.

After a few minutes of waiting, she lays beside me.

"What did you both do?" I ask. "Just talked in his room." She answers. "His? Room?" It surprised me. Why is she staying in another man's room without me or without me knowing?

"Don't worry. He's a good pal." She says. "He stays before in your house right?" I ask Ava. "Yeah." "In your room?" I add. "Sometimes?" She asks herself. "Do you cuddle with him?"

She stays silent. "Did you hug? Did you kiss?" I ask. "No! We're just friends." "Friendzoned Jess." I say. "Stop that. He's just a good friend. I guess you should know him more." Ava looks at me.

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