3 - Teacher

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The air was still thick and humid, but it wasn't unpleasant. Ignoring the sweat beading at his back, Jimin took a deep breath, the scent of earth and bamboo filling his lungs. It wasn't until he opened his eyes that he remembered there were a dozen children sitting in front of him, doing their best to meditate along with him. Two of them were undoubtedly asleep. Jimin pressed his lips together and shrugged.

"You may open your eyes now," he said, unable to hold back his smile. 

The children rustled as they opened their eyes, the sleeping ones not moving an inch. Their classmates pounced on the opportunity to harass them awake, and the courtyard was filled with laughter soon after. 

"Enough, enough," Jimin commanded with a smile. "Back to your places."

The children obediently complied, sitting on their ankles on their own mats. 

"Now," Jimin said when he had their attention. "What did you hear during meditation?"

"The birds," one said.

"The wind," said another.

"Jian's snoring," said a third.

The children laughed. 

"Good, good," Jimin said. "And what did you see?"

"Darkness," said a child. "Our eyes were closed!"

"Ah, but not all sight is with the eyes," Jimin replied. "Sometimes your heart sees better than your eyes do."

They nodded, but their blank faces indicated that they were doing it out of manners, not out of understanding. It didn't matter. The seeds were planted, and Jimin felt content enough with that. 

He clapped

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He clapped. "You all did well! How about a game of marbles for your good behavior?"

The children cheered and came to their feet, taking the bags of marbles from the stage. Jimin saw Namjoon tense up and reach for his sword as the children ran towards the stage. Jimin waved his hand. 

"Relax, Namjoon," Jimin said laughing. "They're just children."

Namjoon huffed, keeping his hand by his sword. "Children are more dangerous than criminals, if you ask me."

Jimin groaned with a laugh. "Stop being so negative, or else I'll make you play marbles with them."


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