15 - Tasks

336 39 1

Jimin bowed in the doorway. "You sent for me, Grandmother?"

The Grand Master looked up from her meditation cushion as she sat on her ankles, incense smoke floating around her face. She was not a woman who smiled often, but she looked even more serious than normal this evening.

"I have an important matter to discuss," she said.

"About Madam Leichu?"

"More about the message she brought us."

The Grand Master untangled her legs and came to her feet. Jimin straightened his back, seeing the warning in her eyes.

"I'm making you the king's escort," she said bluntly.

Jimin's jaw dropped, his chest burning.

"You can't ask me to do that," Jimin said.

The Grand Master raised her eyebrows at him. "Can't I? It's my job to do so. And it's your job to look after responsibilities that Hoseok cannot."

"But the King of Fyodst? After he –"

She held up a gentle hand. "I'm aware."

She then came forward, reaching out to hold his shoulders before they could shake.

"But the king doesn't know where you are from," she said. "Neither does Madam Leichu. And we must keep them both away from Hoseok during this time of year."

Jimin glanced out the window, the gray skies threatening.

"And there's no doubt that the Leichu will try to weaken us by getting in the way of the wedding," the Grand Master continued. "The only one to keep an eye on our... guests ... is through you."

Jimin reached up and detached the Grand Master's hands from his shoulders. She already knew the reasons he couldn't look the king of Fyost in the eye without wanting to put a sword through him.



Jimin, run!

The Grand Master's aging fingers came to his chin, pointing his eyes back to her.

"What you lost is great," she said, "but Daocious will also be lost to the king's bloodthirst, same as Graena, if we don't tread wisely. You understand the risk the most. That's why I will put you in charge."

Jimin clenched his jaw so hard he thought his teeth might shatter.

"I'm in no condition to be an escort," the Grand Master continued. "And that woman has made it her life's work to sink deep into Hoseok's mind to destroy him. The only one I can count on is you. You're more level-headed than both of us."

At this, she gave a bit of a smile, softening him for a moment.

"I don't think I'm level-headed enough for that kind of task, Grandmother," he admitted

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"I don't think I'm level-headed enough for that kind of task, Grandmother," he admitted.

After a beat of silence, she pursed her lips and nodded.

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