19 - Questions

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Y/N turned the scroll over and over in her hand.

Do not anger those who can destroy you...

This scroll was a peculiar one. They all were.

Two temples had been burned. That meant that there were two more to go before all of the temples in the city were destroyed. Yoongi had been asking the members of the Fallen to take the strangest of the scrolls, collecting them for safekeeping and burning the rest. Their topics were so haphazard, however.

Do not anger those who can destroy you...

When an individual is given power, it unlocks his own greed...

Do not leave the foolish in places of power...

Why was he asking her to take these scrolls? What did they have in common?

"You finally showed up."

The hair on her body froze, causing goosebumps all over her body. Yoongi's voice always did that to her.

She wasn't afraid of him, exactly. But she feared what he embodied. It was similar to death: she wasn't afraid of it, but looking at it face to face created a type of terror unrelated to fear.

Y/N swallowed, putting down the scroll and then turning to face him. She left her face expressionless, not answering but only acknowledging him.

When she didn't answer, Yoongi continued talking.

"You're coming less and less often these days," he said, stepping closer. "Any reason?"

She pursed her lips. "I've been tracking."

"Oh? Without command?"

"The king of Fyost has arrived."

"Yes. Everyone in both kingdoms knows this."

"You don't wish for trackers? You always command them when there are guests."

Yoongi waved his hand nonchalantly, looking off to the side of the room. "Not necessary. But I'm... relieved that you are still doing your job."

He stepped in close, towering over her to read her eyes. She didn't break the gaze, pretending that she had nothing to hide from him.

"I was worried you might be slipping away from us, little Bai," he teased darkly. "Perhaps your loyalty to me still exists."

His hand came to her chin. The touch was cold - colder than she remembered. She swallowed. When he leaned in, she turned her head away. A frustrated growl came from his throat.

"Stop turning away," he barked.

He pulled her chin back to him, covering her mouth with his. His kiss was intense but short; a warning and a reminder that he was still in charge of her. He then released her, licking his bottom lip briefly, not making any eye contact with her, but instead, looking at the scrolls on the table.

"You're in charge of the next temple," he said, turning his back to her. "There are three scrolls for you to retrieve."

She barely heard his words, the slimy taste of his lips stuck on hers. She used the back of her hand to wipe it off, knowing that if he saw it, he would be furious. But it was automatic this time. She had no control over it.

"Why these particular scrolls?" she asked, dropping her hand to the side before he saw.

He had a subtle smile, but there were no other facial expressions as he held up a scroll and spun it in his hand.

"Favorites of mine," he said simply.

"A private collection?"

He tapped the scroll on his chin as he looked at her, narrowing one eye. "Perhaps."

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