6 - Secrets

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The morning was so quiet that Jimin could almost hear the sunlight streaming in through the windows of the meditation room. Warmth hit his hands as they rested on his knees - palms up - the blood rushing through his calves and ankles as he sat cross-legged, taking deep breaths.








In this moment, there were no responsibilities. No students. No royal status. No temple. And no expectations.

Just him.

Just his heartbeat.

Just his soul.

In. Hold. Out —



His eyes fluttered for a moment. He shut them again, trying to concentrate on his breath.

In. Hold. Out —


Run, Jimin! Run and don't look back!




Jimin's eyes shot open, and he sucked in a ragged breath as if he was still trapped in the fire.

But there was no fire. Just him and the sunlight.

He bent over his crossed legs as he gasped, trying to settle his rapid heartbeat.

"It's over...." he whispered to himself. "It's over."

His palms that were open to the sunlight only moments ago were now drenched in sweat

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His palms that were open to the sunlight only moments ago were now drenched in sweat. He wiped them against his robes, then reached up to rub the tension out of his neck.

He shut his eyes again, attempting to breathe steadily, but his heart was pounding too roughly for him to do so, and the fear that he'd smell ash once more kept him from relaxing his mind totally.

He sighed.

"Perhaps that's all I can do for today," he muttered.

He got up. Since there was no use in him meditating further, he decided to get to work on his usual tasks as a teacher and temple monk.

Jimin was publically known as the brother of Master Hoseok - the citizens not knowing that they had no blood relation of any kind - but Jimin was not known for royal duties. He was instead known for being a teacher of the ancient scrolls of the Star Goddess. His position was not seen as equal to the same royal position of his brother. It wasn't an insult, as far as Jimin was concerned. He had no interest in power. And Hoseok and Grandmother were so efficient in their duties that he couldn't contribute anyways.

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