4 - Fallen

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The followers of the Fallen Goddess were simply called The Fallen.

There were not many who revealed themselves as such, considering the penalty for being a Fallen could be anything from exile to imprisonment; or, depending on the severity of the sins of the non-believer, could even be considered treason to the Star Goddess herself.

As a result, many of the Fallen hid in mountain caverns, old abandoned buildings, and even in some of the temples - hiding themselves in plain sight. Many had tried to live in the forests or fields in the kingdom, but they were quickly sought out and exiled. To be so detached from the others was too suspicious.

Y/N always found herself hiding in plain sight. Whether it was in her religious family, in the city, or in the temple of the Fallen.

"Check the bags for tears and weak spots," she told her subordinate, a boy only a few years younger than herself. "The bags need to be sturdy enough to hold what they're meant to carry. Understand?"

The kid nodded. Y/N paused, a breath catching in her throat for a quick moment thinking of her little sister who was the same age as the boy. She swallowed the breath. There were other things to think about. Like the morons on the side of the room planning the heist the following week.

"Let's overtake them at the riverside at dusk," one of them said.

"Dusk is still too light out," the other said. "We need to wait till it's completely dark."

"Too dark and we won't be able to see what we're after," said the third. "I say we should hit them at sunrise."

The boy she was training smacked the back of her arm to get her attention.

"This string is frayed," he said. "It might break soon."

She nudged him back with a smile. "Hey, good catch. Maybe we can hit the market —"

"I'm telling you, dusk is the best time!"

"Ahh, you were born in the dark. That's the only reason you think that's a good idea."

Y/N tried to focus back on her training. "— go to the market and maybe I can show you —"

"I can't help what time I was born! And that's got nothing to do with it!"

"You afraid of the dark, Haoyu?"

"Am not!"

Y/N shut her eyes and tried again. " — I can show you how to braid the —"

"Haoyu's afraid of the dark, everyone!"

"Needs a nightlight!"

"Both of you shut the hell up! I'm not afraid of the dark!"

"Aish!" Y/N yelled, turning to them. "You bunch of noisy jackasses!"

All three of them stopped and turned towards her. She stepped forward with full authority, gripping her jab hand at her side into a fist.

"Attack a couple of hours past midday," she said. "They'll be drained from the heat and their horses will need water. Why are you all poppin' off about time anyways when you should be worried about numbers and flanking?"

They paused for a moment, looking at each other. There was then a snicker between the three of them as if it was the dumbest idea they ever heard.

"In broad daylight?" one asked.

"The heat will drain us too!"

Haoyu squared his shoulders at Y/N as he narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you calling a bunch of noisy jackasses?" he asked seriously.

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