9 - Breakfast

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There was fire and snakes.

That was all Jimin could recall from his dreams the night before.

He wasn't prone to remembering dreams. While Hoseok and Grandmother were deep into dreams and their symbolism, Jimin had no ability to remember them, let alone translate any of them. There was some part of his brain that locked them away, and he was only allowed bits and pieces no matter how long he spent trying to remember.

His childhood memories were the same.

The two must have lived in the same part of his brain, locked away from his consciousness, subconsciousness, and everything in between.

"Can you give me one reason why you're set on marrying this woman?"

"Because the snakes are coming."

This must have been what Hoseok and Grandmother had experienced. When Hoseok had said it, Jimin suddenly remembered his dream, one large black snake swallowing a lotus flower, and then a small garden snake coming up from behind and biting the black snake on the tail. There were flames. And then nothing.

But flames... flames were things he remembered quite clearly from his childhood. Long before he was Master Jimin of Daocius.

"Master Jimin?"

He blinked, forgetting that there was a table in front of him. He was even more surprised to see Ningyi on the other side of it.

Ah, yes. The Zhou family was joining them for breakfast.

"Good morning, Ningyi," Jimin said, his natural teacher's smile coming to his face. "Did you sleep well?"

She plopped in front of him, straightening her hair and dress. "Yes, Master Jimin. The temple mountains are so peaceful."

"Just wait until you have breakfast," Jimin said. "The mountain air makes everything taste a hundred times better."

She smiled in anticipation. Footsteps entered behind her, the entire Zhou family coming into the dining hall in a single line. First was the youngest, Minxi, who always brought a smile to Jimin's face; and then there was Yinuo, the famous graceful and devout mother of the family; and lastly... a disheveled and slouching Y/N.

The circles under her eyes were the brightest feature about her.

Jimin stood to his feet to greet his elder and students with a bow.

"Madam Zhou, Minxi," he said. "A pleasure to have you join us. And Y/N... good to see you again."

Madam Zhou and Minxi greeted Jimin with a bow while Y/N simply nodded. Her formalities were lacking, but that was normal for those who didn't attend religious lectures.

What bothered Jimin more was not knowing the real reason Y/N was skipping them.

"Forgive me for missing your lecture last week," Madam Zhou said as she approached the table.

Jimin raised his hand before she could continue the apology.

"I understand your health has been fickle," Jimin replied. He motioned to the table. "No need to apologize. Please, take a seat at the table."

Madame Zhou and Minyi sat at the end of the table, while Y/N sat on Ningyi's right-hand side, staring downwards. She rubbed her face with her hands.

"Did you have trouble sleeping?" Jimin asked her.

She inhaled slowly before answering. "It's too quiet here."

She slouched further over the table, tucking her neck into her chest like a sleeping bird. Jimin waved over one of the kitchen assistants.

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