14 - Dances

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"Are you nervous?"

Hoseok folded his arms, cocking his head to the side in amusement. Y/N's shoulders were tense, her eyes sweeping around the courtyard.

"Do we have to do this in broad daylight?" she asked.

He chuckled, stepping forward and leaning in to meet her eyes.

"Why?" he asked. "Are you afraid someone will spy? In the same way you like to spy on me dancing?"

 "Are you afraid someone will spy? In the same way you like to spy on me dancing?"

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Her eyes widened slightly, and he grinned at the response.

"Dances are an important part of the temple ceremonies," he said. "The simplest dance is the Autumn Festival Ceremony. We could start with that one. Are you familiar with it?"

Her eyes finally settled on his. She nodded. "I saw it many times as a child."

"Then we can start there. Unless you want to start with the wedding dance?"

She turned her head away. He smiled wider at the feminine blush of her cheek and licked his lips playfully before taking his stance in front of her.

"It was just a suggestion," he said with a shrug.

Hoseok smiled to himself. It was clear that she was affected by him. A lot of women were. The difference, of course, was those women didn't call him a demon while simultaneously blushing.

If they knew he was a half-blood, he was sure they would do anything but blush.

"Let's begin with the feet," he said. "Step right, two, three. And hop. Step left two, three, hop. Like this."

He looked over his shoulder as she followed him. He continued moving through the dance, surprised at how quickly she learned. It was a good sign. Someone good at grasping concepts quickly, someone who could follow easily, they would do well here.

After an hour or so, however, he saw her begin to falter. She was jumbling the moves together, forgetting the order.

"Triple step and then bow," he repeated. "Then hand up, then sweeping across the heart."

Y/N huffed. "And the move before that is triple step and jump, then hands down. They're quite similar."

"But different parts of the story. Look."

He did the triple step.

"The peasant runs from the dragon."

He bowed.

"Admits his defeat."

He lifted his hand up to the sky.

"Offers his finest possession to the dragon."

He swept his hand across his heart.

"And when the dragon accepts, his heart is at peace."

He smiled at her softly.

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