8 - Reasons

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For the first time, Hoseok smiled during his morning meditations.

Y/N's eyes had been so wide, sparkling with confusion and disbelief.

"Your wife?" she had asked. "You can't be serious."

"Why else do you think I summoned you?"

She had opened her mouth two or three times to answer his question, and he couldn't help but notice the fullness of her lips as she did so. Her features were innocent and childish in nature, which was most likely the reason she could get away with her masquerade as a boy. But if a man was paying attention to the details, he could see the feminine appeal in her features; the slight curve in her lips, the softness of her collarbone, the length of her neck...

And if she was to be his wife, then he would have plenty of opportunities to take in each and every detail of her.

Hoseok took in a deep breath, his smile widening as he kept his eyes closed.

"But that's insane," she had replied. "I'm not qualified --"

"Qualifications have little to do with it. It has to do with fate."

Hoseok could still recall the scent of her skin as he had stepped in closer, for no other reason but to watch her tense up.

"The Star Goddess has already decided both our paths," he had whispered. "Don't wear yourself out by trying to escape."

The door slid open. Hoseok opened his left eye.

"You're still meditating?" Jimin asked. "It's nearly time for breakfast."

Hoseok opened both eyes. "I guess I got caught up in my thoughts."

Now that both his eyes were open and adjusted, Hoseok could see the dark circles and deep lines in Jimin's face.

"What's on your mind?" Hoseok asked.

Jimin rubbed the back of his neck and rolled his head around. "Just slept wrong, maybe."

"Must be from all those secrets you're hiding from me."

Jimin stopped, catching Hoseok's look of disapproval

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Jimin stopped, catching Hoseok's look of disapproval. Hoseok held it until Jimin let out a deep sigh, sucking air through his teeth before he spoke.

"Can I be honest with you?" Jimin asked.

"I'd be furious if you weren't," Hoseok replied.

"Y/N. I think this is a bad idea."


Jimin paused for a long moment. Hoseok held completely still, waiting for his brother to find the words he was looking for.

Jimin then reached into his robe and walked over to Hoseok, taking out a sparkling rose and violet bracelet and holding it to Hoseok's face.

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