17 - Demons

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The King of Fyost and the storm came to the city at the same time.

Thunder rolled hard and long through the sky as the rain poured down, muddying the earth. It was not the proper welcome for the King of Fyost, and that's why Hoseok was smiling.

"Control yourself," the Grand Master warned him. "Your expression gives you away."

He chuckled. "There's no control. You know that, Grandmother."

She sighed, looking up to the sky in confusion.

"It seems the heavens are unkind to us today," she said. "Whatever happens is in the hands of the Goddess, I suppose."

"Maybe she wishes to aid us in our defenses. Starting by slowing the king down with this endless mud."

He nodded to the flooded ground as he spoke. There was no doubt the rain was the reason why it was taking the king so long to come up the mountain to the High Temple. It was too amusing. The Goddess was truly on his side.

"Be careful of your thoughts, Hoseok," the Grand Master warned. "Speak cautiously when the king arrives."

He waved his hand, uninterested. A prince could speak however he wanted in his own kingdom. There was no need for such nonsense. But before he could speak those words, his attention was captured elsewhere.

"Why, if it isn't my little bride," he said, smiling wider

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"Why, if it isn't my little bride," he said, smiling wider.

Y/N was now being escorted from her room to the main hall, temple workers on both sides of her with extended umbrellas above her head. She held her skirts high and gathered around her waist to not get any mud or rain on them, her hair neatly fashioned. He felt his heart swell with pride as he looked at her.

"You fancy her," the Grand Master observed.

He looked at her, surprised. "You say it like I shouldn't be attracted to my own bride. Do you dislike her?"

"Dislike? No." The Grand Master narrowed her eyes a bit. "But I wonder... how can a woman be queen when she constantly runs away?"

The Grand Master said the words slowly, indicating that it was not an accusation, but a question to be meditated on. Hoseok had nothing to say in response either way. Y/N approached the steps.

"He's not here?" Y/N asked Hoseok.

She then nodded to the umbrella men and they closed their umbrellas, standing aside.

"Any minute now," Hoseok replied.

Her fingers fidgeted with her skirts. Hoseok reached out and grabbed her hand, holding it firm in his.

"You're cute when you're anxious," he teased.

She frowned and slid her hand out of his. "You joke too much."

"I won't allow the King of Fyost to see me frown. You shouldn't either."

She didn't answer, but only glanced sideways at him, tucking her hands under her arms.

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