A Trip! What can go wrong? WHO IS THA-

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The first week in U.A. hasn't been too bad, Miyo's new classmates would disagree, (he's pretty sure Aizawa has everyone except him and his friends on his personal shit-list), but their opinions don't matter. The panic in the canteen on the third day also didn't seem fun in anyway possible for those involved.

But ignoring all of that, right now the class is waiting for a bus at the front of the school. It's going to bring us to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or, for short, 'USJ', a facility that the Rescue Hero: No.Thirteen built to teach students about rescue work in multiple natural disaster environments.

Iida is shouting out orders to get on the bus in a specific way. When we're all seated he sulks over the bus having a different layout to what he had in mind. Uraraka and Midoriya try consoling him.

Halfway through the ride, Tsuyu Asui (-please call me Tsu-) asks Midoriya about his quirk... Well she more or less stated what she thought of it. She said that it was similar to All Mights and that it would be a useful quirk for a Limelight Hero to have while trying to gain the media's attention.

After speaking with Midoriya the frog quirked girl turned to Miyo, her stare unnerving him.

"What exactly is your quirk Takei? We've seen you disappear, summon ghosts, and teleporting yourself and others."

"Ah- uhm- Well Ao here is the main part of my quirk-"

Ao peaks his head out from Miyo's hair, earning a few 'awws' from Ashido and Hagakure a couple seats over,

"-I can create ghosts like him. Those ghosts can possess objects and people. I can manipulate water to a certain degree and turn into an invisible mist."

Kaminari's head appears over the seat in front of him, he looks ecstatic and his grin looks a tad bit crazed,
"That's such a cool quirk dude!"

Moving on from Miyo's quirk, Tsu and Kaminari went through who in the class had the most flashy quirks, they decided on Bakugo and Todoroki. But then Kaminari spoke out about Bakugo's attitude towards other people, which resulted in Bakugo shrieking, raging and letting explosions off in his hands, further proving Kaminari's point.

The bus comes to a stop, Aizawa quietens everyone and we get off the bus. A curved, mainly glass, building sits ahead of us.
No.Thirteen greets us warmly as we enter.

"Hello! Welcome to my Unforeseen Simulation Joint or if put shortly the U.S.J! Now I have three, no four, or was it five? Anyways I want to inform you all of a couple things before we begin anything!"

Before No.Thirteen mentions anything, Aizawa asks them a question in a low voice and they reply with three fingers,

"Odd, wonder what he asked about?"

No.Thirteen speaks about many topics and points that they needed to go over before we started, the main topic being how dangerous our quirks are to those around us. The scars littering his skin tingle during the mention of injuries and quirks.

While they speak, Miyo takes in all of the areas, there's the Flood zone, Mountain zone, Downpour zone, Conflagration zone, Ruins zone, Landslide zone, and the Central Plaza.

"The Landslide and Flood zones seem interesting, it would be useful to know what to do in such conditions for Rescue work.

Then there is the Downpour and Conflagration zones... I have my fingers crossed for staying well away from those, they might bring up some particularly unpleasant memories, especially if there's thunderstorm effects in the Downpour zone or if the temperature is too high and uncomfortable in the Conflagration zone."

The Central Plaza grabs his attention next, it has a fountain in the middle of it. Trees line the edges of the area, strips of grass cover the ground underneath them.

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