Chapter 30

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On the night of Leigh's yacht party, the entire crew and cast of Fearsome Four along with guests invited by Sian and Sairah were in attendance by seven p.m.

The guests were mainly at the main deck, admiring the night sky near the railing. There was a table holding an ice sculpture and chocolate fountain and servants carried snacks on trays. A pool was open for swimming but many preferred to admire its reflection of the moonlight.

Along with all the fancy lights and gorgeous decor was also an area designated for the DJ up front. A small stage, speakers and desk. Soft pop music was playing.

"I don't think I've ever eaten anything like this before." Jimin was holding a kabob with varying meats stuck through it.

"I'll eat it for you if you're overwhelmed." Perrie was already trying to snatch it.

Jimin held it away for himself. They were standing next to the snack table. Some of the other guests were Leigh-Anne's father's friends. They often came up to them to congratulate them on their roles and also to tell Leigh-Anne happy birthday. Lots of pictures were taken. And lots of gifts have been given. A circular table close to the snack one was stacked high with presents.

"Come on guys. Selfie time. My mum's actually going to let me make an Instagram." Jesy said proudly. She held her phone up. "I mean, she's got a password for it too and will be managing it but the point is I'm getting some freedom baby. Woot! Woot!" She felt gorgeous in her dress and makeup. Makeup. I'm the real deal.

"How is it freedom if you don't even have control over it?" Jade saw a light flash from Jesy's phone. "Hey we didn't say we wanted to be in a selfie with y-"

"Birthday girl, pose for the camera." Jesy leaned against Leigh-Anne with a cute smile. "Do a cool face. Like pucker up your lips or something."

Leigh-Anne glanced at her then stepped away.

"Hey." Jesy was cross. "Scared of getting your picture taken all of a sudden?"

"I'll pose for a photo if your mum asks to take one of the two of us but not from you after what you did earlier this week." The more Leigh-Anne thought about it, the more upset she would get. She shouldn't have invited Jesy over that time.

"Come on. That's in the past." Jesy didn't like these bad vibes.

"What have you guys been doing since we stopped shooting on Wednesday? I've been going sightseeing with my mom. We've seen a lot of great things. It's been fun." Taehyung announced brightly.

"Yeah I did a bit of that too. But me mam has mainly been taking me to food places. Restaurants and such." Perrie was done with her kabob. The food here was great.

"Me and Jade went to a theme park." Leigh-Anne said brightly. "We have pictures." She got her phone out. "Jade how were you scared of every single ride? Some of them were so tame."

Jade giggled at the pictures that Sairah had taken. She was the one who proposed the idea and had also accompanied her mom to bring them. "I'm not as much of a daredevil as you."

"Wow. So yous went to a whole theme park and didn't call me?" Perrie swiped through the images of Leigh-Anne and Jade on rides, next to character statues, with the mascot, playing with other kids and having food together. They seemed really happy.

"We told you but you said you had to go out with your mam remember?" Jade didn't want to anger Perrie.

"I had some auditions this week but most of mine are next week." Jungkook added.

Jesy flipped hair off her shoulder though she was jealous of Jade and Leigh-Anne's amazing theme park date. "I've got a few next week too. What about you Jade?"

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