Chapter 26

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Josh couldn't get enough of these videos and pictures from the party on Saturday.

He sat in bed early Monday morning rewatching all of them. His favourite was the video where Leigh-Anne dedicated that Beyonce song to Jade. The whole thing was just so adorable he could hardly stand it. Jade's mom had sent him a message saying how sweet she found Leigh-Anne for doing that but he had had to reply saying that Jade was the sweet one if she touched Leigh-Anne to the point that she did that. I should put her in singing lessons for real. Strengthen those little chords she's got. He was in love with his daughter's voice. She's like an angel. Aww.

The man swiped to the video of Perrie that Sairah had recorded. He watched with a dopey smile on his face. She's a little super star as well. Leigh-Anne had adorable friends that she had fun with. This was so sweet. It's great because she'd had such a rough week. Being bumped down to third grade level had really given a blow to Leigh-Anne's self-esteem.

He was now smiling at a picture of Leigh-Anne with all of her cast mates in front of a castle background. The kids were grinning happily and Leigh-Anne seemed to be giggling at something said to her by Perrie. Jade was staring at Leigh-Anne in admiration. My heart. I-I can't take it. These kids were just so cute! Leigh-Anne finally has friends. Ah! He held his chest and bent forward.

The man sat straighter to stroke the image of his adorable daughter and her little friends. Jade looks like she really loves her in this one. He could not think of anyone better to be Leigh-Anne's bestie.

He was about ready to get up and get ready for the day when his phone rang. Shit. The ID turned him off. It's likely something important. He had to push aside his undying disdain and abhorrence to answer his wife's call. I'm more to blame than she is.

"Yes Deidri." He said dryly.

"Oh good you're awake." Deidri sounded agitated but that was kind of her default tone. "We're in hot water."

The man crinkled his brow. "Hot water for what?"

"While I was focused on instilling loyalty in my workers at all the branches I took over, you were clearly not doing the same. I suppose it's because you didn't see a need but because of that, someone's run their mouth to the press and things are looking grave." Deidri was definitely annoyed. "Tell me who you think it was. Who were you talking to huh? This team you kept threatening me with?"

He was incredibly confused. "What are you saying?"

"People got over the rumours but it seems as if certain gossip stations paid big bucks to get some inside information and someone on your end squealed. They know that you were thinking of serving me divorce papers. I know it wasn't anyone on my end because they're not idiots but with you, anything is possible."

Josh's eyes widened momentarily but returned to normal. "Someone . . . wait who?"

"That's what I'm wondering. It's whoever you told about your plans to divorce me. Your lawyers? Are they even allowed to divulge such information?"

He chewed his lip. "I don't think they are but I wasn't only speaking to lawyers. I-I talked to my life coach and my assistant . . ." He trailed off after thinking of the assistant who had called in to complain about his wife a little after things changed. He and the man had developed a bond after working with each other for a while so he had thought he owed him an explanation as to why things shifted so drastically. And he'd sounded so miserable. He would question whether his wife was that bad but the fact that she abused their children behind his back said enough.

"Your assistant? Ah! Ahahahaha!" She laughed like a cartoon villain. "Wow! Listen to this one! Let me guess why you told him. Y-you . . . you trusted him right? Is that it? Ahahaha!" She cackled high-pitched.

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