Chapter One

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Hey so I hope you enjoy this story and let me know what you think. Please bare with the spelling errors. I'm still working on it. Also there's a picture of Elena Vandus/ Sarah so enjoy.


Sighing Elena sipped on her tea and tried not to speak what she was really thinking. Her mother had made her have tea with the Hatherns brothers. The Hatherns brothers were the “it boys” and since she was the “it girl” for being a Vandus Mrs. Vandus thought she should spend time with them.

The older brother, Brad, was a ladies man. He would do everything he could to defy their father which included making it known he liked having many women in his bed and he even made a public announcement that he would never take over the family business. Brad was tall with cold green eyes. Even though he was dressed in a suit Elena could see the muscles of his body underneath. Everything about him reeked man, from his strong square jaw to his broad shoulders to his massive hands.

It was a shame Elena felt nothing to the man. He was a twenty-five year old player. She knew she would be forced to married one of them. Brad was much more better looking than Thomas though Thomas was the “perfect son.”

He was three years younger than his brother and was the spinning image of their father and acted like him too. He was tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He had a feminine face and always wore a suit with a black tie. Thomas was sweet. He had always been nice to Elena where Brad hadn’t. He made it clear he wanted nothing to do with her.

“So Miss. Elena are you enjoying your tea?” Thomas asked with a warm smile.

She was about to answer when Brad cut her off. “She’s gonna say of course or something like that since she’s a little princess.”

Elena sat her cup down and looked at Brad. “Do you have to always be such a jerk? Our families are close enough and we’ve know each other our entire lives. So why do you hate me so much? I have done nothing but been respectful.”

Brad laughed. “Our families are close but that’s where I draw the line.” He leaned forward. “Let me tell you a secret Miss Elena I don’t like you because you’re a stuck up little brat who is trying to get to my families money. You do whatever your daddy tells you.”

Even though his words were like a blow Elena couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. Of the brothers Elena thought Brad was the much better one. He was attractive and adventurous and she liked that. Brad had always pushed her and now he only wanted to make her mad which was easy enough to do when he clearly checked out other girls. Elena had always thought since he was the oldest they would be forced to marry so she figured she might as well try to like him from the beginning but part of her also couldn’t stand him. He was a pig and had no respect. She didn’t need his money, her family had more than enough.

Thomas nudged his brother. “Brad that’s enough. I will not have you speaking to Miss Elena like that.”

“Whatever.” Brad rolled his eyes and getting up left.

Elena let out a sigh and picked up her cup as Thomas smiled at her. “Sorry my brother is being like that. He really doesn’t see you like that.”

“Mr. Thomas you don’t have to lie for him. I know he doesn’t like me and if that’s why he doesn’t like me then his loose.” She glanced out the window. “I can see how anyone who as much family money as we do can feel threaten. Even though our families have been trying to join it doesn’t surprise me Mr. Brad doesn’t like me. He never wants to do anything your family expects him to.”

She watched people pass by. Some walked straight by not paying any attention while others noticed Elena and Thomas and stepped and gaped. The Hatherns and Vandus were the richest families in the country and top of the society list. She could already see the headlines for tomorrow ‘Thomas Hatherns and Elena Vandus, are the two richest families finally going to join?’

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