As I am walking someone crashes into my legs and halts to a stop, I look down and see this very cute boy. I'm standing with Lara, Troy and my brother we just got back from the cemetery and we at the Mbana residence
He says innocently, Lara picks him up
"hey little man, where's mommy?"
She asks and he shrugs
"These are mommy's friends. Uncle Bandile and uncle Bakho"
Lara says and he waves
"Hello, I know you"
He says that referring to me
"From where?"
I decide to asks and he thinks for a little
"Mommy had a picture of you back home"
He says
"There you are. Hey"
Imange says talking about the little kid, he giggles and buries himself in Lara's crook
"why? What is he running away from?"
Lara asks
"He doesn't want to eat his veggies. Jay come lets go, you know your mom is going to be mad"
Ima says and he turns and holds his hands out to her. She takes him laughing
"Also guys please follow me, Mihlali is still attending to some guests"
She says and we follow her, she leaves us in a room and then walks out.
"I can understand you not mentioning Mihlali being back but hiding a son? Seriously?"
I say to Lara and Troy
"It's a conversation you should be having with Mihlali"
Lara says defensive, I shake my head no
"Lara is right, it's a conversation you should be having with Mihlali bro. This is not the place for it either"
Bakho says and I just nod, Isenathi brings us food and also tells us that Mihlali will be with us shortly and just then Mihlali walks in and her eyes go straight to mine
I always knew I'd have to see him at some point but I didn't think I'd see him at my grandfather's funeral. I thought that maybe I would reach out to him a month after settling in but I guess that bridge I needed to cross came to me instead of me going to it. I help mom attend to our guests, Mange comes to me as I'm speaking with one of mom's colleague
She says, I ask to be excused and attend to my sister
"Hey, what's up?"
I ask
"Jay ran off while I was feeding him, when I found him he was in Lara's arms and she was standing with uncle Bandile"
She says and I sigh
"Eish, ok thanks neh. Where are they now?"
I ask
"They in the lounge"
She says and I nod. She goes with Jay and I meet Ise
"Honey please get Lara and the people she's with food ok?"

Life Is Just Not Kind - Final Book
ActionThe last lap. Mihlali and Bandile come face to face with each other after 3 whole years without communication. Is Bandile ready to step up? Mihlali has been keeping a secret for the past three years but unfortunate events require her to go home and...