You ever wish you were 5 years old so that you could show your tongue to the person who treated you unfairly? Well that's how I felt after Mrs Cole paid for my shoes. After working a 23 hour shift I didn't have the time to glam myself up. I grabbed whatever was at reach and wore it. Also because I need to buy groceries before I go home. After leaving the boutique I make my way to the mall and get a few things and drive home. I completed my degree and got a job to work this side while I finish my studies. The pay is amazing, I have my own office while I further my studies at UCT so that I can open my own surgery. While I was at oxford I worked at this other hospital and the pay was good enough for me get a house when I got back home. I got my mother a 4 bedroom house in a better neighbourhood and my little brother has grown and is in university completing his degree at Wits so it's just mom and i.
I'm startled by the bass I haven't heard in a while
"Yandisa what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?"
I ask hugging him, he's even taller than I am and this person is only 20 years old. He breaks the hug
"For someone that's been working a 23 hour shift you sure ask a lot. How have you been?"
He asks and I chuckle and shove him lightly
"You're annoying as usual. Where's mom?"
I ask walking to the lounge and he follows me
"She's probably still at work."
He answers
"No but for real Yandisa, what are you doing here?"
I ask him
"It's September holidays haibo Yoza"
He says and I chuckle at how stupid I must look to him right now
"wow. Already?"
He nods
"Yeah, what did you think. Work is really messing with your brain"
He says and I roll my eyes at him
"I'll cook ok?"
He says and I shake my head no
"Lets order in or go and eat out. We'll wait for mom and then we'll go. How's school?"
I ask
"School is school"
He says and I open my eyes and look at him
"What does that mean?"
I ask and he shrugs. My feet are on his lap and he's massaging me so nicely
"It means what I said. Still no boyfriend?"
He asks and I roll my head back and close my eyes
"I am not answering that"
I say and he laughs
"you live with mom, that's enough of an answer"
He says and we both laugh
"You are really beginning to annoy me you know that!"
I say stunned to see her. She looks amazing and better than the last time I saw her.
"May i? It's been ages"
She says and I nod. She sits opposite me
"How have you been?"

Life Is Just Not Kind - Final Book
ActionThe last lap. Mihlali and Bandile come face to face with each other after 3 whole years without communication. Is Bandile ready to step up? Mihlali has been keeping a secret for the past three years but unfortunate events require her to go home and...