Chapter 37

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It's Saturday and my son still hasn't woken up. I've become a permanent resident of the hospital and so has Bandile though he leaves to shower and bring me fresh clothes every now and then but as for me I live here and even wash here. It breaks my heart to see him lay here every day and slowly but surely I lose any hope of him waking up. He's only 3 for God's sake. I've even run out of things to say to him or even promise him. I'm startled by a knock and am shocked to see Khaya stand by my son's door with a bouquet of roses.


He says walking in, I clear my throat

"Hi. What are you doing here?"

I ask him

"I heard about your son and thought I should bring you this"

He says and I take the flowers

"Thank you"

I say

"I know they don't make the pain any better but I couldn't show up empty handed. How is he?"

He asks and I shrug

"He still hasn't woken up. I've lost hope to be honest with you"

I say

"Jay is your son Mihlali, he's as strong as his mother if not more. Now is not the time to give up, now is the time for you to be stronger than you've ever had to. He needs you, he needs a reason to fight and you are that reason Mihlali"

He says

"Jay can only come out stronger from this, our pain is what makes us stronger"

He says and I smile for the first time since I came here "Thank you. I guess I needed to hear that" I say and he smiles at me

"He is going to wake up and will be the same little guy he was before this happened"

He assures me

"What are you doing here?"

We both look up to see Bandile walking in with a cup of coffee

"I came to check on Mihlali"

He says getting up


Bandile says rudely, I roll my eyes

"Bye Hlali, I hope he gets better soon"

I smile

"Thank you for the pep talk and the flowers"

I say, he smiles and bends to kiss my forehead before walking out. I don't even want to look at Bandile

"This is the same thing you did at Jay's birthday, You don't respect me Mihlali!"

He says, I raise and eyebrow

"As if that was enough disrespect and now you bring your fuck buddy in my son's hospital room!"

He says and I sigh

"Bandile I can't do this with you!"

I say annoyed

"You wanted to explore and I let you on condition you don't let your man around my son"

He says and I chuckle in disbelief

"If you looking for an argument I suggest you get out of my son's room because I am not about to argue with you over nothing. Jay doesn't need this right now"

I say and she keeps quiet, I take my phone and check up on work and everything else



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