Chapter 48

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With Kitten's passing, Yoza thought it would be a better idea to just get married in September once and for all. We couldn't have a celebration straight after the funeral, it wouldn't make any sense and the family agreed to it. Mom didn't take it so well losing her mother, she was the one to check on her that morning and found her pulse not there so she was pretty traumatised by what happened and who could blame her? Dad that day was in a no service area but he made sure to come home straight after hearing the news to be there for his family and everyone of us.

It's been four months since Kitten's death, it's September and next week Yoza and I tie the knot. I won't lie I am excited, I can't wait to make this amazing woman my wife. I'm meeting her for the final cake tasting during lunch at the cake store. I park outside and then walk into the store

"Mr Mtwa"

The shop assistant greets as I walk in

"Hi, is my wife here already?"

She giggles

"Not yet sir"

She says

"You can come and wait this side so long"

She says and I tell her to lead the way, I dial Yoza's number and it rings for a while

"Sthandwa sam"

I say

"Hi Baby, I know I'm late"

She says and I cut her off

"What happened?"

I ask

"I have to be in the theatre in 10 minutes, I won't be able to make it Sthandwa sam. Please do this without me and I promise I will make it up to you"

She says and I sigh

"ay ok"

I say

"I know babe, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you later I promise"

She says and I can't even argue because this woman is a doctor and these things happen, I should be used to it by now I guess. We getting married on the day we met in last year.

"Bye babe and good luck"

I say

"Thank you Sthandwa sam"

She says and we cut the call

"Is everything ok?"

I'm startled by the shop assistant, I turn around

"My wife won't be able to make it today but I'm here"

I say

"We can just go ahead"

I say and she heads out back and comes back with the cake we requested. My phone beeps and it's a picture of the cake Yoza wanted. I prefer Red velvet and she likes chocolate cake so we opted for both cakes, each layer will be a different flavour. It's a 4-tier cake. We finally decided on the colours and everything else.

"Well here is the red velvet and here is the chocolate"

she says placing muffins in front of me

"Miss Ngesi requested I make muffins for the tasting and I have a few more out back for you to take along with you"

she says as I take a bite of the chocolate, it's perfect

"This is perfect"

I say and she smiles

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