'I can't wait to make you my wife. Finally I'll get to call you Mrs Tshawe'
I click send and wait for her response
'I can't wait to be a Mrs. Tshawe myself. Meet you at the alter'
I read it and smile to myself
"We are still here!"
Bakho says nudging me, I laugh
"my wife just sent me a text"
I say
"Not your wife yet"
He says rolling his eyes and we all laugh
"hey don't kick him down"
Troy says
"I'm too happy to let his negativity bring me down"
I say smiling proudly. There's a knock on the door that shuts us all up, Troy goes to get it and soon mom walks in. she looks beautiful in her Gold dress.
"My sons, you all look wonderful"
She says
"Thank you mom"
We say in unison, including Troy. He asks to excuse himself leaving me with my brothers and mother.
"You boys look handsome"
She says and we thank her while complimenting her too. She takes a deep breath and lets it out
"I always imagined Bandile being the first one to get married and now it's finally happening"
She says and I smile
"I beat him to it"
Bakho says proudly
"Yes you did but he was waiting to meet his soulmate and he's finally met her. Bandile you know I loved that girl from the minute I met her and after today I get to call her my daughter in law. Son I am proud of you, it took you long enough but I am still proud of you for finally coming to your senses and doing what is right for yourself and your kids"
She says and I laugh
"But Mah she was the one that didn't want marriage not me"
I say defensively
"I don't care. Mihlali is a real catch and you are so lucky to be marrying her just as she is lucky to be marrying you because I know I did a great job raising you and your brothers. I'm proud of all of you, Baya we waiting for you now"
She says and he laughs
"not anytime soon ma'am"
He says and we all laugh
"Your father would be so proud of you, for everything you have built and for everything you have accomplished just as I am proud. Bandile not once did I ever go to sleep with tears in my eyes because your father said something insulting or because I heard he was busy with another woman so I don't expect you to put Mihlali through that. I don't know the pain of being cheated on, Lukhona doesn't know what it's like, don't be the black sheep. Create the kind of tradition whereby your kids look up to you and learn from you how it is to treat your wife and this goes to all of you boys including you Bayanda. I don't want to say much so the rest I'll save it for my speech later"
she says, we all gather around to hug her tightly. We break the hug when a knock comes on, it's Troy
"Delivery for Mr Tshawe"
He says and we all ask in unison
"Which one?"
He laughs

Life Is Just Not Kind - Final Book
AcciónThe last lap. Mihlali and Bandile come face to face with each other after 3 whole years without communication. Is Bandile ready to step up? Mihlali has been keeping a secret for the past three years but unfortunate events require her to go home and...