I park outside this new restaurant that is due to launch Monday night, I helped the owner with the construction and everything so he pulled this favour for me. Seeing Yonela walk out of the house looking like that, for a split second I envisioned her as my wife dressed like that to work every single day and me being the jealous guy I am being the one to drop her off every single day and kissing her goodbye outside the car to mark my territory just because I can. I don't think I have ever seen her look this hot before! I have to mentally slap myself to behave and not reach for her thighs. She's killing me in this dress of hers. We walk in and are led to our table
"Are we at the right place?"
She asks and I chuckle
"Yeah, why?"
I ask and she shrugs
"It's so empty"
She says as I pull the chair open for her to sit
"I know the owner and asked him to do this favour for me"
I say and she nods as I sit down opposite her
"You really look beautiful Yoza"
I say and she smiles shyly
"You clean up well yourself"
She says and I smile, a waiter pours us champagne
"I don't drink"
Yoza says, I'm shocked she still doesn't with her kind of job
"Juice will do please"
She says and the waiter nods and walks away
"Still an angel?"
She shrugs
"If that's what you want to call me then I guess I am. How did you get my number?"
She asks and I chuckle
"Lets see how the day goes and if you still want to see me after this then I promise I will tell you how I got it"
I say and she rolls her eyes
"Fine. So what have you been up to all these years?"
I shrug
"Finished my civil, graduated and got a job. Been busy with that and what about you?"
I ask and she shakes her head
"You know that's not what I'm asking Biko"
The waiter places her juice in front of her and then we order our starters and he leaves
"Ask what you want to know Yonela"
She takes a deep breath and lets it out
"I don't imagine your girlfriend is ok with you hanging out with me"
She says and I chuckle
"She and I broke up and week ago I think"
She gasps
"I'm sorry to hear that"
I shrug
"It's ok Yoza"
I say and she sips her drink
"And you, surely your boyfriend is not ok with this"
She giggles
"If I had one I'm sure he wouldn't be"
I mentally do a fist pump, at least she's still single
"Why if I may ask"
She looks at me confused
"I mean how is it that you don't have a boyfriend?"
She shrugs
"I've been busy with school and work so I never had the time"
She explains and I nod
"Yoza when you lef..."
She shakes her head no
"Can we not go back there please"
She says
"Please Yoza, When I left after Mikayla's death there was a lot of unresolved feelings between us. I couldn't stay in the state I was in, I needed a break, I needed some time to heal and being here with you I wasn't going to be able to do that a..."
She touches my hand
"Biko it's fine, it doesn't matter what I said that day. We good"
She says, that feels like a dagger straight to the heart
"Yonela tell me you don't feel the same way you did anymore and I promise to leave you alone"
She gulps down her juice
"Biko can we not do this"
I shake my head no
"The last time I saw you we kissed like our lives depended on that kiss. I never forgot it and I know you never did too and maybe that's part of the reason you never dated... because you still felt something for me?"
I ask in a way and she shrugs
"Does it matter if I did or still do?"
She asks and clasps her mouth in shock
"So you do still feel something for me?"
She shrugs
"I.. that came out wrong"
She says and I chuckle
"Yoza lets stop torturing ourselves and lets give us a shot. There's nobody standing in my way and there's definitely nobody in your way"
I say and she thinks for a while
"Biko i have a demanding job and a relationship is the last thing I need"
She says
"My job is also demanding but I believe that we can manage, we can make it work if we willing to make it work"
Our starters are brought
"May I have that glass of champagne now"
She says and the waiter is stunned but walks to get it anyway
She shrugs
"I think I need it"
She says and I chuckle, the waiter pours her a glass and leaves the bottle in ice for us
"Yoza, we've both denied ourselves this for so long. It's been what? 7 years now since we met? I know I never forgot you and always hoped I would bump into you and we could give us a shot"
I say, she takes a sip and her expression is priceless
"How do people drink this? It's awful"
She says and laugh
"We just do"
She takes another sip anyway and I laugh at her
"Biko stop laughing at me, I'm not used to this taste ok"
She explains and I nod
"Look, if there's one thing I am afraid of it's to get my heart broken Biko especially by you of all people, I don't think I would recover"
She says, I place my hand on hers
"Yoza, I've fooled around enough to know what I want and that is you. I'm done playing and I want someone I can call my wife, someone to mother my children and someone Mrs Mtwa will be happy to call her daughter inlaw"

Life Is Just Not Kind - Final Book
ActionThe last lap. Mihlali and Bandile come face to face with each other after 3 whole years without communication. Is Bandile ready to step up? Mihlali has been keeping a secret for the past three years but unfortunate events require her to go home and...