Chapter 68

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When I heard about the death of Bandile and the kids my main concern was how Mihlali must have been doing, many would think that it made me happy but it didn't, what kind of person would I be to be excited over something so painful? I've always loved Mihlali, me staying away was for the sake of their relationship and because I knew Bandile didn't like me around her and Mihlali being loving and respectful of her husband I didn't want to put her in a position of having to constantly explain. The death of Bandile didn't mean I could step in and take my place by her side or be her shoulder to cry on, Mihlali needed all the love and support she could get during that time, I didn't visit her with intentions of us getting together, no, I knew she needed a friend and I wanted to be that friend. I knew I couldn't be that friend to her during the day when everyone else was around so I only showed up after hours. Me staying away didn't mean I wasn't interested, I just decided to love her at a distance while keeping tabs on her. I know I sound like a stalker and maybe I am, who wouldn't keep an eye on someone they love?

"So what do you think about Mihlali?"

I ask my daughter, we video calling. She's in Varsity studying at Wits

"She's amazing dad, she makes you happy"

She says and I smile

"So you like her?"

I ask and she giggles

"I love her dad. Why are you asking me this?"

She asks and I chuckle

"Because I'm thinking of asking her to marry me tonight"

I respond and she clasps her mouth in shock

"Too soon?"

I ask and she shakes her head

"No dad, it's not. I mean wow! I'm happy for you, I hope she says yes. Wait where's the ring?"

She asks and I laugh

"My jeweller is supposed to bring it in today"

I say

"Dad I'm so excited and happy for you. Call me and tell me what she says"

She says and I chuckle

"You way too excited for my liking"

I say and she giggles

"You deserve to be happy dad. Yes you not the best guy the is but you deserve love and happiness"

She says and I smile. A couple of years back Akhona found out in a not so friendly way about what I do on the side. She was taken by some member of our enemies but I got her in time before they could do anything to her. Her studying in Joburg wasn't the most ideal thing to do but my daughter is as stubborn as I am.

"She already accepted you as you are"

She says and I chuckle

"Yeah... whatever princess, how's school?"

I ask

"You know I never wanted to go to varsity. Why won't you let me join your team?"

She says and I sigh

"Because Akhona it's not safe and your mother would kill me. I'd hate myself if anything ever happened to you"

I say and she rolls her eyes

"School is fine"

She says and I raise an eyebrow at how she says it

"I won't do anything I shouldn't do dad don't worry"

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