Spending the day with Yoza was amazing, it was beautiful, she was beautiful and keeping my hands to myself was really hard but I need her to see that I am not the man she met years ago and that I have grown over the years and I have changed for the better. Today made me realise that I've wasted enough time over the years and that I can't waste anymore. Yoza has grown but I would like for us to grow together. She's an amazing doctor from what I have gathered and that she's still the same old innocent girl I met at the hospital all those years ago and I couldn't be happier, yes I'm thinking marriage already! Shoot me! After spending the day with Yoza, the guys and I are meeting at the club later for drinks and to catch up. It's Phiko, Dan, Baya and I. We sit in the VIP, Baya runs the club with his brother and he works with his brothers in their other companies. He's really grown over the years except relationship-wise. Phiko is engaged to Mihlali's friend Vuyo, that happened last year after Vuyo got out of a relationship with this other guy who cheated on her with Phiwo. Dan on the other is in between relationships and also travels a lot due to his job.
"So how did it go?"
Phiko asks and I smile
"I'm guessing that smile means good news"
Dan says and I shrug my shoulders
"So what does this mean? A future?"
Baya asks and I nod
"I can see marriage"
I say honestly
"You literally just got out of an engagement, are you sure?"
Baya asks and I nod
"Look, you guys know I never got over Yoza since a long time a.."
I don't even finish my sentence when Phiko cuts me off
"You always did say that if you bumped into her you would definitely marry her on the spot"
We all burst out of laughter
"Ambitious much"
Dan says and I laugh
"What? I love her. Always have and screwed up in between but I've always wanted a future with Yonela and now that is possible"
I say proudly
"With the smile you had, I'm convinced marriage is in the future between you guys. She's a pretty girl from the pictures you've showed"
Baya says
"It means a lot coming from you considering you of all people are not into relationships"
I say and he chuckles and raises his glass and I click mine to his
"I guess you need to ring shop then"
Phiko says and I nod. I get up and excuse myself to go and pee. As I get out walking in the passage, I bump into someone
"I am so sorry"
I say looking up
"I am... Biko, Hi"
The person says looking up at me
Spending the time with the boys and how Jay bonded with Bakho's kids was amazing, I had a great fun day with the boys and I had no-one to help me with any of them. At the places we visited I had people commanding me for having beautiful kids and well behaved boys, obviously I said thank you because technically they are all my kids and if anything happened to Bakho I would have to step up. I drop the boys off and then drive with Jay to Mihlali's house as we talk about the amazing time he had today and how happy he is we spent the day together
"Are you happy?"
I ask him and he nods as I glance a little at the rare view mirror
"Yes daddy, I'm happy I also have a father"
He says proudly and I chuckle to myself
"Have you always wanted a father?"
I ask him
He says all so excited and I smile again
"We going to spend more time together ok?"
I assure him and he smiles
"thank you for the toys"
He says and I chuckle. My son is the cutest and most humble boy I have ever met even mom commands Mihlali for raising him to be such a humble boy and sweet and loving at such a young age. I park outside the house and he runs inside with the little things he would carry. I take out the rest from the boot and walk to the open door. I find him in the lounge sitting on the couch with his mom telling her about his day
I say placing the paperbag with his new things on the floor beside me
"Hi, this is a lot"
She says and I chuckle
"I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself"
I say honestly and she shakes her head laughing
"honey take your things to your playroom and take a bath"
She says and he comes and hugs me tightly
"Please sleep over"
He whispers in my ear and I chuckle
"Ask your mother"
I say and he turns to look at his mother
"Mommy can daddy sleep over?"
He asks making his innocent puppy eyes
He pleads and she takes a deep breath and lets it out
"How about he tucks you in and comes and see you after work tomorrow?"
She suggests and he shakes his head no
"He can sleep with me, pleeeassse mommy"
He begs and Hlali sighs
He walks up to his mom and kisses her cheek and then runs off, we both laugh
"So I'm sleeping over again?"
I say and she shakes her head no
"You leaving as soon as he falls asleep"
She says and I chuckle
"Come on you can't do that to him"
I plead and she shrugs
"The last time you slept here we had sex. We can't do that again"
She says and I chuckle and sit next to her
"What are you afraid of?"
I ask her leaning in closer to her, she lets out a breath I didn't even know she was holding back
"Bandile we can't"

Life Is Just Not Kind - Final Book
ActionThe last lap. Mihlali and Bandile come face to face with each other after 3 whole years without communication. Is Bandile ready to step up? Mihlali has been keeping a secret for the past three years but unfortunate events require her to go home and...