Chapter 46

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"And then? What happened back there?"

Lara asks as we head to her car


I say and she chuckles

"You either speak or I leave your crazy ass here"

She says, she's 6 months pregnant and very beautiful. Pregnancy suits her I'll say

"I didn't know pregnancy made you crazy too"

I say rolling my eyes

"fine suit yourself"

She says and then gets into the car and locks her doors, I sigh and knock on her window, she rolls it down

"this is stupid"

I say and she rolls her eyes

"Fine I'll talk, just open the door please"

I plead and she unlocks the door, I get inside

"remind me not to piss you off. The twins are making you cranky"

I say and she giggles

"So talk"

She says starting the car

"I am pregnant"

I say and she screams all so excited

"Friend that's amazing"

She says after screaming, I don't respond

"So why are you mad at Bandile?"

She asks

"Because on Christmas morning we had unprotected sex and instead of getting me the morning after he went on and got me a vitamin pill"

I say and she starts laughing her ass off

"That is sneaky"

She says laughing, I'm so annoyed

"it's not funny. How far are you?"

She asks still laughing

"5 weeks"

I say

"Meaning he scored last month"

She says and I shrug

"Then why you mad over something that happened 3 months ago?"

she asks and I shrug

"It's the lies Lara, he lied and he tricked me. How am I supposed to forgive him for lying and tricking me?"

I ask and she takes a deep breath and lets it out

"Hear him out and why he did what he did"

She says

"Of cause you would take his side. In your eyes Bandile is never wrong"

I say annoyed as we make our way inside the restaurant, I bump into someone

"I am so sorry"

we say in unison, I look up to be met by Khayalethu

"Khaya hi"

I say

"Long time no see Miss Mbana, you look amazing as usual"

I smile

"Thank you, you not bad yourself"

I say and he smile

"Daddy I'm done"

Someone says behind him, she is very beautiful. It's his daughter

"This is my daughter Akhona, Akho this is my old client Mihlali Mbana"

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