Chapter 2

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"Sir Miss Shona is on the line for you"

Sikelelwa reports, I nod telling her to let the call through. Luniko trained Siki well before he left me and moved to Joburg to pursue his career. He's now a well known designer, he asked me to invest in him and I did and I couldn't be happier with where my money went. Luniko deserves greatness only. I got Siki a year and a half ago.

Lona married Daniel but she never stopped working at my company, instead I promoted her to head our branch in Washington because that's where Daniel was moving. She heads our marketing firm that side and she's doing a great job.

"Hey babe"

I answer

"Hey you. Listen tonight I'm going to be late, I have so much work to catch up on"

She says, I let out a loud sigh

"It's ok I understand"

I say sadly

"Baby please. My boss gave me this big case and I just. Argh it's a lot babe. I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you"

She says

"Of cause you will"

She giggles

"Hey! Behave"

She warns and I chuckle

"Says the one implying things. I'll see you later then?"

She giggles

"Yes babe see you later. Bye"

She says and drops the call. Qhawe and I have been dating for a year now, I can't really say I'm inlove with her because my heart still belongs to Mihlalikazi Mbana but she's a great girl. She works at the same law firm as Troy, that's how we even met. She was new and she walked into Troy's office while he and I were having lunch to drop of a file. We met again at one of my restaurants and I kept her company and the rest is history. I call Siki and she comes in

"Did you send those flowers to Mrs Mbana's house?"

I ask and she nods

"Yes sir I did"

She says and I nod dismissing her. I pack up my things and drive to Mrs Mbana's house. I recently heard of the passing of Mr Mbana. I park my car and make my way to the door, I knock and the house keeper opens for me, we greet each other and she takes me to where mrs Mbana is and on the way I meet Mihlali's mother. I've seen her family around in business events and everything else. They are big names in the business world after all




He says and I laugh

"Uhhm... Is it Parker?"

I ask


He responds laughing with that cute little laugh of his

"uhm... is it my one and only prince?"

I ask pulling his hands to my lips and kissing them, he giggles. I turn around and plant kisses all over his handsome little face

"mommy stop it"

He says and I laugh at him

"I missed you. How was your day? How was school?"

I ask

"school was awesome. I missed you too"

He says, my baby loves school and he doesn't mind waking up at all to go to school. I'm fortunate he took after his father in that department.

"We going to mommy's home. Are you excited?"

I ask and he nods

"Yesssss... I can't wait to see glandma and glammpa"

He says and I chuckle, I don't even correct him anymore because that's what he calls them and feels comfortable calling them. Mom and dad have met him and so has Biko. Everyone else hasn't met him because we've been based this side for so long. We eat and then he naps while Marianne helps me finish packing everything else. Around 6pm I wake him but because our flight leaves at 8pm. I run him a bath and he takes a bath while I take a quick shower and get dressed

"Mommy where are my blue jays?"

He asks walking into my room

"Ha.a Jay you've been wearing those the whole week. Wear the red ones, they go with your t-shirt"

I suggest but he scrunches his face and pouts making those said little puppy eyes I have learnt to say no to over the years.




I just got back from work, I'm dog tired carrying a rose bouquet for my woman. I walk inside my house that I share with my fiancé and I'm met by a trail of clothes, I follow the clothes leading up stairs to my bedroom. I am confused and I don't know what to make of this situation, as I get closer the moans and the groans behind my door get louder. I take a deep breath and open the door and am met by a sight I never thought I would see! There is a man screwing my fiancé and she's moaning. You ever been in a situation where no reaction is good enough? You just freeze and don't know how to react? That's me right now. Walking into Pamela and this person I freeze. I clear my throat and they stop


She says from under the guy trying to push him off.

"I... Uhh... honey it's not what it looks like"

She says getting off the bed and pulling the blanket walking over to me

"Honey I am sorry"

She says trying to touch me but I yank my hand away

"When I get back you and this had better be gone! And take those damn sheets with you"

I say and walk out banging every door I come across. I don't think I have ever been as hurt as I am right now. I go to my car and drive to this other restaurant. I need a drink. I sit down and place an order and ask for their finest bottle of wine.


A voice I haven't heard in years startles me from what I was doing on my phone, I look up because my ears have to be deceiving me. She couldn't possibly be back!

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