« 𝑁𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 »

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It's been a few weeks since I started working, and things have been going well. I've started getting used to the system and most employees are kind and helpful too.

Sunhee has been a great friend outside and during work time, she's always helpful and caring. I feel glad that I've met her since I was afraid of being lonely at work.

"Alright I better head to the boss's office now..", I sighed while taking the papers that had the project I've been working on since I came here. I was feeling very nervous since it's my first time meeting him...what If he's scary? What if he doesn't like my idea?
"Aah! Enough negative thoughts Mi-yeon! The manager said you're one of the top employees, there's nothing to worry about..." I tried calming myself down.


"Enter", said the boss. He sounded young, in his mid 20's maybe?
I entered after knocking on the door. "Good evening sir, I'm Kim Mi-yeon. You asked to see me right?"

"Yes, I did. Please take a seat." He said with a smile. I sat on a leather chair next to his desk. The office was enormous with big glass windows with light grey blinds. It was simple and neat. My inner artistic self was satisfied.

"I'll briefly introduce myself. I'm Lee Heeseung, the boss of JM company. I inherited the company from my father, and opened it's branch here in korea. It's nice meeting you miss Kim." He said with a smile. "The pleasure is all mine sir." I replied smiling. He seems like a nice guy... is what Sunhee said true though?

"Alright , I'd like to thank you first for showing great progress in your field. Your manager Mr. Gim is very satisfied with your work."
"Thank you very much sir, I'm glad my work is satisfactory for the company." I said smiling.

"Well, I heard you prepared a project, is it near completion?" He asked.
"Yes sir, a few more days and It should be done. I have the finished part so far if you'd like to see it." I said and he nodded. "Of course." I handed him the papers and he took a few minutes to read some.

"This is very interesting, great job miss Kim!" He handed the papers back. I smiled shyly and thanked him.
"Well, that's it for today. I'm looking forward to see the final results. I have high hopes for you miss Kim."


I arrived home after half an hour of waiting for a taxi. I should really get my driving licence.
"I'm home!" I said happily knowing that my little partner would be happy to see me. Surely, my little white kitty, Snowy, came running to me. I hugged her and pet her small head gently.

"Did you miss me?" I asked her. She responded with a purr and snuggled against my neck. "Omoo~ such a cutie!"
Snowy has been my friend and companion since I moved from my parents house in Busan. It was very rough but her company made my nights bearable.

"Alright Snowy I'll give you some food and then I'll get ready for dinner." I patted her head and put her on the couch. After 20 minutes, we were both having dinner while I was mindlessly scrolling through the tv channels.

"Mr. Heeseung is definitely good-looking! No wonder people are attracted to him. His aura is mysterious yet intriguing.." I thought to myself while munching on the bibimbap I prepared.
"Why am I thinking of him alot? He's just my boss." I asked myself.
"Better not crush on your boss miss Kim!" I laughed at myself and Snowy stared at me. Probably judging...


"I don't care" {𝘌𝘯𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘧: 𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘧} Where stories live. Discover now