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Both of them were kissing, Heeseung trapping the lady between his arms against the wall. He looked like a totally different person, not even a little bit of the Heeseung that I knew. As if there was a dark aura circulating around him.

If he really was interested in me, he wouldn't be doing such things. I felt hurt and betrayed for some reason. I thought his words and actions before were from his heart... I thought he really changed.

Why did I even think that way? He never told me he changed...I never asked...

I was standing there for a few seconds, surprised and hurt from the scene infront of me. I couldn't take it anymore, so I got into the elevator. I have to continue my search anyway..
unnie's purse is still missing. I tried thinking of the purse instead of what I just saw.

After searching in 3 more bathrooms, I finally found the purse sitting near one of the basins. I took it and texted Sunhee telling her to meet at the main entrance so I can give it back to her. After a few minutes, we were both in the first floor. "Oh my God! Thank you so much Mi-yeonie!!" Sunhee exclaimed, hugging me happily. I giggled and hugged her back.

"No problem unnie! I did nothing really." I said after breaking the hug. She smiled at me. "You saved me girl! This little bag has valuable things inside it, it could've been stolen." She replied dramatically. I smiled back giggling, "I'm glad we found it then!"

"Mhm! By the way Mi-yeonie, are you staying till the end of the party?" Sunhee asked. "No actually, I'm leaving now." I replied back. I was feeling down after what I saw earlier. I didn't want to stay and maybe face him at some point.

Sunhee frowned, "Oh..I hoped you'd stay. We could've had more fun!"

I smiled apologetically. "Maybe arrange an outing soon?" I suggested. "That'd be great! I'll text you ideas then~" she said excited. We hugged and bid each other goodbye before I left.


𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔_____

I was busy working on my computer, typing rather harshly. What happened last week was still vivid in my brain. Although I felt disappointed, I don't have the right to. We aren't a couple, so why do I feel betrayed?

Maybe because he acted like he has feelings for me? Yet he had the courage to continue with his meaningless relationships. I guess he thought of me as another woman he can mess around with. He thought wrong then.

He texted me after the party in a day, thanking me for attending. I replied briefly, unlike how I usually answer. He deserves a block from me but I don't want to get fired (ㅜ^ㅜ)...

My phone rang, stopping my train of thoughts. The name of the person calling surprised me, so I hurriedly answered.

"Hello Mi-yeonie!! Long time no chat!" Said Jake, my best friend since middle school.

Jake is a Korean- Australian, with a personality as bright as the sun. He's caring, funny, helpful, smart and a gentleman. I never felt sad or lonely with him around. He was always there for me in my ups and downs.

We shared alot of beautiful memories together, he was like a big brother to me. It was a pity when he had to move back to Australia a few years ago.

Despite us being far from each other, we never stopped calling and texting. We always chat for a few hours on weekends. He also sends memes and random selfies regularly. A happy pill indeed.

"Jakey! Indeed it's been a long time, how have you been?" I replied happily. "I'm doing well, what about my dearest friend?" He said. I could imagine his beautiful smile. "I'm doing good! How's your family and Layla?" I asked while looking through the window.

"Everyone is doing well, and Layla misses you soo much. To be honest, everyone misses you.." he replied in a sad tone, "of course I missed you the most though!" He added.

Layla is his cute dog that has been with them for years, she's so adorable and her personality reminds me of Jake's.

I giggled, "I missed them all as well, hopefully we'll meet when I get a long vacation!"

"Mhm! By the way, I wanted to ask if you still like chocolate mousse." He said out of the blue. He never changes.
I chuckled and replied, "Of course! I'll never fall in love with anything more~"

He let out a dramatic sigh.
"Mi-yeonie my dear, you love it more than me?! Your best friend since middle school!?" He said, trying to sound angry.
I faked a gasp, trying to hold my giggles. "Not at all! You know how special you are to me Jakey~"


We both burst out laughing at our acting.

"I miss the good old times with you Mi-yeon.." he said quietly. I felt sadness through his words."Yah! You sound like we're in our 50's!" I joked, trying to cheer him up. He laughed and continued, "Well, at least I'll look better than you if I'm in my 50's!"

"Not true!" I protested. "Alright Alright, both of us are good-looking~" he said savagely. I giggled, happy that he cheered up a bit.

"Mi-yeonie, I'll talk to you soon okay? The bus arrived now." He said hurriedly.
"Okie Jakey~ take care!" I replied before hanging up. Talking to him always cheered me up, I'll always be grateful for that.

I forgot about the whole Heeseung scenario for a few minutes, but now I have to attend a seminar. Of course he'll be the head of it, so I guess I gotta face him now.
I mean, he's my boss what am I thinking? I'll always see him... (ㅠ~ㅠ)


"I don't care" {𝘌𝘯𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘧: 𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘧} Where stories live. Discover now