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It's been a few weeks since that conversation with Heeseung. I've been trying to avoid him honestly, it feels a bit awkward to face him now.

I thought he was just being his flirty self with me, but I guess all that attention was for a reason. He didn't look like he was joking, so I guess it's not a prank or something (ㅠ^ㅠ)...

I sighed for the tenth time by now as I closed my laptop and looked from the huge window behind me.
"How can I trust a person that has thousand relationships at once?!" I thought to myself, puzzled. Is he willing to change? Why do I feel that his lowkey-confession wasn't real?!

"Helloo? You there Mi-yeon?" Sunhee said worried. Since when was she standing there?
"Oh- yes yes! I'm sorry I was spacing out." I replied, finally noticing her presence at the door. She looked at me, still a bit worried. "You sure? You look sick...or tired maybe. Do you wanna walk together for a bit?"

"Yes please, I'm feeling stuffed from all the work." I said standing up and taking my purse with me. We walked together for a while, and she insisted on offering help if I needed. I couldn't possibly tell her about what happened with Heeseung, so I just lied about being tired from work. She bought that lie at the end, lucky me.


It was a Sunday evening. Wind was blowing, moving the tree branches against my bedroom window.
"Snowyy! What do you think?" I whined to my white kitty, who was staring at me crossing the room back and forth nervously. I was overthinking about the whole Heeseung scenario in my brain all day. So much for a relaxing holiday..

My thoughts were disturbed by a notification from my phone. I picked it up, finally sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Good evening miss Kim. I'm sorry if I'm disturbing, but I wanted to know if you're free tonight..." I read the message that I received from Heeseung loudly, as if I was informing Snowy too. Does he want to ask me out?!

I nervously typed an answer.
(Good evening sir, yes I'm free tonight.)

A few seconds after, I received a reply.
(That's great! Would you like to accompany me for dinner then? I think it'll be a nice way to know each other more.)
I was shocked to read that, as if he knew I was thinking of him all day!
I guess there's nothing wrong with spending dinner with him, right?

I replied back agreeing on his suggestion, and he told me we'll meet at a famous restaurant near my house.

"Snowy, which dress is better?" I asked her holding two dresses. She came closer to me, pointing at the left one. "Alright, the kitty has chosen!" I smiled at Snowy petting her small head.

I put on some light makeup and wore the chosen dress

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I put on some light makeup and wore the chosen dress. "I prepared your dinner and water for you Snowy, please eat well while I'm out." I kissed her forehead and left my apartment.


After an hour, I arrived at the location he sent. The restaurant was so huge and beautiful, the peaceful sound of the water from the fountains echoed through the whole place. He said our reserved table is number 30, so I asked a waiter to lead me to it. After passing a few tables, the waiter stopped at one of them.

I thought Heeseung could never be any more handsome, but he proved me wrong tonight. He looked so ethereal under the lights.

I sat across from him after greeting each other

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I sat across from him after greeting each other."You look as beautiful as ever, miss Kim." He said smiling at me. "Thank you sir, you look good as well.."
I replied trying to sound normal, ignoring that I'm fidgeting with my fingers nervously.

Truth is, I've never been to dinner alone with a guy before. I've never dated anyone either, thinking that I'll date Mr. Perfect when I find him. And by Mr. Perfect I mean someone that loves and understands me. It's a thing I've always struggled with. People rarely understand my way of thinking, which made me insecure many times.

The night went by and without us realising, we had finished eating and talked about endless topics. We got to know each other more in these few hours. He showed me a side I've never seen before, the innocent and goofy Heeseung. I always knew there's more to him than what he shows, and tonight I saw a glimpse of that hidden side.

"It's so fun talking to you sir!" I giggled after hearing a collection of dad jokes he prepared. He smiled at me.
"It's alright to call me by my name, I think we're closer than before now." He suggested, eyes glistening with happiness. He looked like a little happy deer, his doe eyes giving such innocence.

"Alright then, thank you for tonight...Heeseung oppa." I said shyly.

He replied with a chuckle."No problem, it's my pleasure. Thank you for the opportunity to get to know you better," he paused, cautiously continuing, "is it okay if I call you by your name too?"
I giggled at the way he asked me that with his doe eyes. "Of course! As you said, we're closer than before." I replied smiling.
"Thank you again Mi-yeon."

My name sounded foreign on his tongue. I don't know why, but my heart skipped a beat when he said it. Am I already falling for him?!

"The pleasure is all mine." I said politely. Hopefully he won't notice my slightly pink cheeks.
He offered to take me back home multiple times, but I insisted on walking back since it wasn't far from my place.

I arrived home after a few minutes, still not believing that a few hours made me feel closer to a person I thought was bad...

I prepared myself to bed after. Soon I was covered in my blanket, gently petting drowsy Snowy. Many thoughts crossed my mind, am I starting to like Heeseung? Does he really like me? He seemed more open and I felt that I could trust the side I saw tonight.

Only time will tell..


"I don't care" {𝘌𝘯𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘧: 𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘧} Where stories live. Discover now