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Startled, I turned around to see who was behind me.
"Oh! Mr. Lee..", I said trying to sound unfazed. "Did I startle you miss Kim?", he said chuckling.

"Uh..a little yeah." I replied with an awkward giggle.
He stood next to me staring at the night view. I've never been this close to him, he really is handsome...

"So..are you enjoying this night?" He asked, eyes still fixed on admiring the view. "Yes, I'm glad it's another successful event." I smiled while staring at a small lake that was beneath the balcony.

"It's successful because people like you work hard everyday," he said happily while looking into my eyes, "and for that I'm grateful."

Seeing him like this makes me happy, it's a side I rarely see. Is that his real personality outside work? I only see strict Heeseung or Heeseung with a mysterious grin..

"The employees work hard because the company treats them right, sir.
Working here is a bless." I said with a smile.
He smiled back, "I appreciate the feedback, hopefully you'll continue being satisfied with things. We don't want to lose an amazing employee like you."

I smiled at his compliment. Maybe he's not that bad after all? I mean, he may have a chance of actually getting a lover if he stops those meaningless relationships..

"Heeseungie! Isn't it time for your present?", a women called from inside.
He looked at me, surprised from what he just heard, maybe even a little embarrassed.
"Excuse me, miss Kim. I'll see you next week, have a good night." He said hurriedly and left.

I sighed and looked at the sky. "Maybe I talked too soon..."


𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚊 𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚜_____

"Yes mom, I always check the locks at night don't worry....yes yes...
Alright, please tell dad I said hi...thank you mom. Love you too!" I hung up and put my phone aside.
Calling my mom every few weeks means endless questions about my life details. I'm lucky to have loving parents.

It was another busy day. I finished most of my work and decided to take a small stroll around. My mind has been busy thinking about Heeseung alot.

I'm not sure why...maybe it's because of the way he's treating me lately? Even some employees noticed that, they even asked me about it (ㅠ^ㅠ).
I mean, I'm not complaining about the care and support I get from him... But what if it's for an unknown reason to me? I'm sure it'll bring me unwanted rumours and problems...

I was about to get up when I received a call from him. "Oh God...and I thought I'd stop thinking about him for a few minutes!" (ㅠ^ㅠ)...

"Hello sir." I answered the phone, hopefully he called by mistake...
"Hello miss Kim. May you please come to my office? I have a few papers to give you." He replied.
"Sure! I'm coming right now." I said politely before hanging up.

I entered his office after hearing a response to my knocking. He was seated on his leather chair and smiled when I entered. That smile doesn't look promising..

"Miss Kim! Please take a seat." He said happily. Looks like he's in a good mood today. I gave a small nodd and sat on a chair near his desk.
"These are the papers," he said handing me a bunch of them, "I'm sure you'll finish them quick." I took the papers and smiled the "business smile" at him.

That's a thing he's been doing lately too, calling me to his office for things the manager can inform me about. Is he trying to get closer to me?

"...So, miss Kim? Do you have any questions?" He asked in a different tone this time, perhaps more flirty? As if he knew I wanted to ask him something lately.
"Well...maybe I do. But I don't think it's related to business, is it okay?" I asked, slightly nervous. "Of course, ask anything." He replied.

I wanted to ask him about the sudden change of attitude I'm receiving from him. His extra care, support and all of the other things he's been doing the past few months. He wasn't like that at first...

"..Well, maybe it's just me...but I've been feeling that I'm getting a different treatment from you sir. " I said avoiding eye contact. He smirked slightly while leaning on his chair. "What kind of treatment?"

"....I'm being treated like the top employee every month, attending events even when it doesn't concern my area of expertise, receiving alot of compliments, always being chosen for big projects even when others deserve it too, " I blurted out still avoiding his gaze.

"I truly appreciate that, but others may take it in a wrong way. I don't want anyone to think I'm privileged or forcing you for such things in any way sir!" I continued, now looking into his doe eyes that weren't doe-like at all.

He let out a small chuckle. I was nervous he'd take what I just blurted out as an insult and maybe fire me or something...

"I'm sorry if that annoyed you or caused any trouble, it wasn't my aim at all. Perhaps it was a way to show you how much you mean to me.' He finally spoke, leaving me in shock.
Did he just confess his feelings to me?! No way...

"Excuse me sir, but what's that supposed to mean exactly?" I asked, confused. He stood up from his chair and took a few steps towards me, finally leaning in closely until a few inches separated our faces. "It means what you think it does, miss Kim."


"I don't care" {𝘌𝘯𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘧: 𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘧} Where stories live. Discover now