« 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡 »

942 31 7

"Oh my God! I'm going to be late!"
I screamed after being woken up by the 10th alarm I put. Perks of being a sleepyhead I guess ....yay...

Tonight is an important night for the company! The boss chose the top employees in different fields to attend the party that'd be held. It will be a charity event to get more clients and investors to support and know more about the company. And to my surprise, I actually got choosen too! I mean, I knew that I was doing well but I didn't expect this!!

"Okay! So....what should I wear?!" I said, staring at my closet annoyed.

"Hmm...maybe this?" I held the dress close and looked into the mirror. Not bad..maybe it'll look better with accessories.

"Alright! This looks good!" I smiled looking at my reflection

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"Alright! This looks good!" I smiled looking at my reflection.

"Snowy, what do you think?" I turned to look at my cat, who was laying down on my bed. She looked up to me. "I'll take your stare as a sign of approval!" I giggled petting her small head.
"Cutiee~" I kissed her forehead and put her to bed.

"Sleep well Snowy. I'll be home in a few hours okie?" She gave me a small meow and snuggled against the soft pillow.


I arrived at the party location after an hour. The place was so huge and fancy, as expected from the company.

I was welcomed by guards after I showed my invitation card, which was a special one that was given for the company's representatives for tonight.

It's been 6 months since I started working, but it's the first time that I actually attend an official event. I felt nervous because there were alot of people, and as an introvert I wasn't used to it.

The event went by smoothly. The boss was professional and confident in handling the speechs and alot of donations were received. It was considered as a successful event! I was so happy with how the night went by.

"Thank you for your interest in our recent projects sir! We'll continue to show great progress." I said with the business smile I learned from Sunhee, she said it's how business people communicate. I guess you should smile even when you're tired (ㅠ^ㅠ)...

Mr. Gim, my manager, smiled while walking up to me. "Miss Kim, your project got alot of attention! Congratulations."
"It's all because of your support sir, thank you." I said smiling. "Well, you totally deserve rest after tonight, the event is coming to an end. You've worked hard and your efforts are appreciated." Mr. Gim said. "Thank you sir, I'll be leaving in a bit then." I bowed slightly to him and took my purse.

I was walking up to the elevator when I heard Mr. Lee's voice from a nearby room. "Hm... is that the boss? Sounds like he's laughing with someone..." I wondered.

"Oh dear! Did you miss me that much?" Said a women giggling. "Of course, you know that I love spending the night with you..."

Was that a kiss sound?! Uhh... I should go! I hurriedly took the elevator.


I opened the door of my apartment slowly afraid to wake up Snowy. After taking a fast bath and getting ready to bed, I suddenly remembered what I heard near the elevator.
"Yahh! Stop talking to me brain! I want to sleeeep!" I screamed internally at my brain.

I sighed and covered myself with the blanket. Maybe that's what Sunhee meant by women being in love with him... I personally don't think such relationships describe the real meaning of love.

Love isn't all about bodies and desires. It's about caring and supporting the person you feel the most unique connection with, not any person that can provide you with things you need at the moment. But again, not all people agree with my thoughts...
I drifted to sleep while thinking of what happened that night.


"I don't care" {𝘌𝘯𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘧: 𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘧} Where stories live. Discover now