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I noticed something a little off about Mr. Lee the past few weeks..

He's being a bit flirty and mostly has a small grin when he talks to me. He wasn't like that before. I wonder why...

"I actually finished half of the second project sir, a week would be enough to complete it with a full presentation." I said with the business smile I learned.
"That's wonderful! Thank you for your efforts miss Kim." The boss said satisfied with the news.

Am I imagining... or is he looking at me differently? Like I'm his target or something.

"Are you free this Saturday?" He asked, now changing his expression to that grin that I'm still not used to. I replied with a small nodd.

"Okay great, would you like to attend an event on Saturday's night? It'll be similar to the one we had a few months ago." He suggested.
"It'd be my honor sir, thank you for the opportunity." I said politely with a smile.

"Great! I'll be waiting for your arrival then miss Kim." I could've sworn I saw him winking for a second....


"Oh my God! He said that?!" Sunhee squealed, a little too loudly.
"Yes he did, it's nothing important though..." I said calmly.

"Girl ...he literally grins and looks at you in a flirty way! And now he's waiting for your arrival? Ooo~" Sunhee said giving me a mischievous grin.

I stared blankly at her, "Uh...yeah but that doesn't mean anything. He just appreciates his employees..."
"You sure? I've never heard about a boss flirting with his "employees" randomly~" She says maintaining that mischievous look.

I giggled and took a sip from my coffee.
"I'm sure it's nothing... besides, if he's thinking of a relationship for benefits then it won't work with me!" I said proudly.

"Exactly! I think he's interested in you! For your information he doesn't mix business with personal life, so if he flirts it means he's really into it." Sunhee explained matter-of-factly.

"I don't know... I'm a person that takes love too seriously as I told you, so I don't think I'll agree with him." I calmly stated and took another sip of coffee.
"Mi-yeonie with her ideal opinions~" Sunhee giggled while taking a bite of her cookie.


𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚊 𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚜_____

I was styling my hair when I received a text from Mr. Lee.
"Huh? It's the first time he texts me..", I thought to myself.


( Good evening miss Kim.
I wanted to remind you that the event will start in 30 minutes. )

( Hello sir! Oh it is?
I thought it's in two hours haha
Thank you for the reminder. )


Seriously.... I can't believe I was moving like a sloth thinking I was early (ㅠ^ㅠ)..

I rushed to change my clothes and prepared myself.
"Snowy! I'm going out now okay dear?" , I said as I was putting on my heels. She came next to me meowing cutely.
"Omoo~ don't be so cute! How can I leave now?" I said giggling as I pet her gently.


The event went on smoothly and I was glad we got even more investors than last time! Everyone seemed happy with the new projects and development that we managed to achieve during these few months.

Although everything seemed normal, the sounds I heard next to the elevator that day kept replaying in my brain. Maybe I was afraid I'll witness such a thing this night too.

"Stop overthinking!" I internally screamed at myself. Whenever I look at him I remember. To be honest, I've been thinking of it ever since...

"You're full of charms Mr. Heeseung...", said a women in a mini black dress.
She was facing him near one of the tables filled with food.
Isn't she a little too close? What happened to being professional?

He replied with the grin that he's been giving me lately. "Trust me, your charms are way more.", he flirted back.

I decided to search for a peaceful place for a while. I was almost 100% sure that he winked at me when I passed by.
Pretending I saw nothing, I continued my way.

I wonder why he's acting like this... If he truly does business only then what was that? Is flirting part of business now?
I shrugged as I entered one of the beautiful balconies in this building. The city lights were so pretty from there...

I was enjoying the peace when I felt someone put his hand on my right shoulder...


"I don't care" {𝘌𝘯𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘧: 𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘧} Where stories live. Discover now