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Yesterday night was so much fun with Jake! We stayed up late since I had no work the day after. We spent our time eating, chatting, discussing random topics and showing each other our pictures from different events.

We shared what happened in our lives during those few years, and I was happy to know my best friend is doing well. He's now a successful manager in a famous Australian company. I was so proud seeing his big smile and glittery eyes when he spoke of his work. It's truly beautiful when you see your loved ones happy.

But the morning after, which is now, started off on an argument. "Yahh! Jake you can't stay at a hotel for a whole month!" I complained, cooking the omelette. He had just told me that he'll be staying at a near hotel in order not to bother me.
How is my best friend that I haven't seen in years a bother? Aish this guy...

"Mi-yeonie, you know I'd love to stay but a month is too long. It'll be better if I stay at a hotel and visit you after work each day." He said, trying to make the idea sound better. I shook my head denying his idea as I platted our dishes.
"Jakey, you're never a bother to me. I think of you as a big brother so you're not a bother at all! Besides, I'll be at work all day except at night, so you can stay here all day and then we'll enjoy relaxing dinners together. No need for hotels and wasting money." I replied sternly, knowing it's hard to convince him.

He sighed and picked up his fork, defeated for the first time in a while. "Thank you Mi-yeon, I appreciate your care. I just didn't want to be a bother for you, you're my sister as well."
I smiled warmly at him, "No need to thank me Jakey, you're more than welcome any time." I replied. He smiled back and thanked me for breakfast before we started eating.

We decided to spend our day at the park and maybe get some ice cream later. He was excited for the ideas I came up with, so we decided to hang out all day on weekends. I also decided to tell him about Heeseung later, I didn't want to ruin his happy mood. Heeseung's scenario can wait a bit.


After spending two weeks with Jake, I was feeling way better than before. Each night I would find him already preparing dinner, sometimes even buying groceries. We usually get into quarrels about that. He never fails to draw a smile on my face, even when I'm tired. I found myself looking forward to going home each day, all because it meant time with him. He texts me every few hours too, making sure I'm doing well. All these little things he does make my heart flutter, I'm really blessed for having such a friend.

Today was another day of endless work, I even got a headache after two hours from arriving. Usually it takes a few more to get one, but I guess I was so focused on the essay I was writing.

"...Miss Kim?..."

"Good morning sir.." I said quietly, trying not to frown. I really don't need an argument with Heeseung, my headache is already enough...

He gave me a weak smile as he entered my office. "I don't want to take from your time, so I'll make this quick." He said standing next to my desk. I replied with a small nodd. "I know our last conversation didn't end well, so I'm asking for another one whenever you're free."

I wasn't planning on having another argument, I thought I was clear about things last time. What's there to talk about?

"Alright then...maybe we can this afternoon?" I replied calmly. He smiled warmly at me, "Sounds good, thank you for your time miss Kim." He said before walking out. "No problem sir." I replied, already going back to my work.


𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚊 𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜_____

I was so tired after all the work I've done, it was six thirty when I finished the last paper. I sighed as I massaged my head gently. Now I need to face Heeseung again, talking about something I managed to forget all thanks to Jake's presence.

I tidied everything and grabbed my purse, heading towards the elevator. As I was waiting for it to reach my floor, my phone vibrated a few times. I took it out of my purse and opened it to see texts from Jake.


Mi-yeoniee! Look behind you~ 👀

Oh wait not now

Yup look now mate~ ✨


I giggled at his messages, he's always texting random stuff. I looked behind me, but found nothing. Is he pranking me? Aish this guy...

I was about to type something to him when I felt two hands covering my eyes gently. I stayed frozen for a few seconds, trying to guess who's behind me. "Jake...is that you?" I said in a low voice. I got a chuckle in response. It's definitely him.

He removed his hands and I turned around to face him. "Yahh!! You scared me!" I giggled while hitting his arm playfully. He smiled as he put his hands in a defensive manner, acting like I was attacking him.

"I'm sorryy! I just wanted to surprise you~" he replied smiling in victory. I stopped hitting him and smiled back. "You did a good job then Mr. Aussie Jake!"

"Mhm~ By the way Mi-yeonie! Why don't we hang out at your favourite park and then have dinner at a restaurant?" He suggested. I thought of it for a second. It was honestly a good way to relax after this tiring day, so I agreed happily. "Alrighy! Let's goo~" he said happily, pressing the elevator's button.

"Oh Jakey, I actually have to talk with the boss for a few minutes now. Is it okay if you wait for me in the car?" I asked as we entered the elevator. "Sure! Take your time." He replied, giving me his smile that makes my day ten times better.

As we were about to reach Heeseung's floor, I got a text from him cancelling our meeting. I asked about the reason, and he said he apologies but there was an urgent meeting with an important client at the moment. We agreed on talking tomorrow instead.

I looked at Jake smiling, "Jakey he just cancelled it.." I said giggling. "Oh he did? Great then let's go mate!" He replied happily.


"I don't care" {𝘌𝘯𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘧: 𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘧} Where stories live. Discover now