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"Okay...that's the last one!" I said to myself proudly. I had finished the last document, and still had 2 hours ahead. I decided to ask the manager to leave early, since Snowy has an appointment at the vet this afternoon.

I entered his office after knocking gently on the door. He welcomed me with a smile. "Let me guess, our best employee finished early?" He asked.
I smiled and handed him the stack of documents I was working on since morning.

"Yes sir, I finished them all" I replied politely. "I'd also like to take permission to leave now, since my pet has a vet appointment soon." I added. He was examining the papers, "Of course, work is done so why not?" He said smiling. I thanked him and went back to my office to pack my things.

"Alright, I think I'm ready..." I said inside my head, closing my purse. As I opened the door, I found someone standing before me.

"Oh! Mr. Lee.." I said surprised. I wasn't expecting to find him here, he usually stays at his office. He smiled warmly at me, "Sorry if I startled you, it keeps happening I guess" he said giggling. I smiled shyly, "No it's alright.."

"Are you about to leave?" He asked with his cute doe eyes. I nodded as a response. He moved a bit from the door, giving me space to exit my office.
"Did you need something sir?" I asked.
"No I didn't..." he replied with a low voice, sounding hesitant.
"Are you sure?" I asked with a low voice, imitating him. He giggled before responding, "I was about to ask if you'd like to go to the new park with me on Saturday..."

Another date? He really wants to make me shy around him (ㅠ^ㅠ)...
We went out together for a couple of times by now. Our dates were innocent and relaxing, both of us felt better after spending time with each other.

"Of course! I actually wanted to check it out, I love nature." I replied with a smile. He smiled back with his doe eyes sparkling. He smiles like that only with me, I've never seen him give it to anyone else. I actually feel special~

"Alright then! I'll text you the details soon Mi-yeon." He said, giving me a small wink before leaving.
Huh? Was that a wink?? Oh now he's flirting..


After taking Snowy to the vet and buying her supplements, I visited my parents' house in Busan the next day. I needed to see them after alot of months being far and lonely. We hugged each other for what seemed like forever, our favourite way to show affection. I brought a big batch of cookies I made for them that morning too.

I had alot of fun there, we ate mom's delicious food and talked about the past few months. They were so proud of my success. Mom was scared and worried before, but after this visit she made sure I'm doing just fine.

"See? I told you our brave daughter will handle everything amazingly!" My dad said eyeing my mom jokingly. She always gets emotional, and this time wasn't any different. "Eomma! Enough tears pleease!" I said trying to hold my own tears. My dad chuckled at us and called for a group hug.

I was grateful to see them happy and proud of me. It gave me a push to work harder in the future.

I had to leave after a few hours, promising I'll visit again soon. Mom had to give me alot of her homemade kimchi of course. Dad gave me a collection of newly released mystery books, knowing I'm addicted to them.


Spending more time with Heeseung, I realised he wasn't bad as I thought. His innocent smile, pure doe eyes, funny jokes and kind nature. The more I talked with him, the more I fell in love. Despite all that, a thought kept crossing my mind; What about his other relationships? I still hadn't asked him about that... I have a completely opposite opinion about love, what if he disagrees with me? I have to ask him soon before I regret it.

𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 2 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜_____

It was time for another event to celebrate our newest launch. Employees, clients, customers and investors were invited.
I was talking with a few clients when my phone rang. I excused myself and went to answer it in one of the balconies since it was too loud inside.
"Hello unnie!" I answered the phone.

"Hey Mi-yeon! I'm sorry to bother but I forgot my purse in one of the bathrooms, I only have my phone with me..." she said sadly. "I'm already searching in the first floor and it's taking forever! Is it possible for you to search the rest with me so we can find it quicker?"

"Of course! It won't take that long if we both do it. There are 4 floors in this building, I'll search the third and fourth. Is it okay?" I replied. "Yes yes thank you alot!! Call me if you find it, okay?" She said happily.
"I'll do, and no problem unnie." I assured her before hanging up.

I started the hunt in the nearest bathroom. Sunhee unnie is so cute, she even forgot to which bathroom she entered earlier haha. She may be older than me in three years, but she's definitely more clumsy and innocent. I had no luck with two bathrooms till now. I just realised this building has way too many bathrooms in every floor (ㅠ-ㅠ)..

As I was searching for unnie's purse, I noticed Heeseung walking with a woman that looked my age into one of the empty rooms. For some reason, there was an uneasy feeling in my chest. He looked a bit drunk, and he doesn't get drunk on formal events or parties. He told me that information himself at the park a few months ago.

I didn't want to be nosy or anything, but I was worried about him. I decided to go check if he really is drunk since no one wants a drunk boss in a formal event. I went close to the room they entered, and what I saw shocked me.


"I don't care" {𝘌𝘯𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘧: 𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘧} Where stories live. Discover now