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I was busy writing notes on my journal, trying to ignore the fact that Heeseung has been staring at me nonstop. The whole seminar was productive, but for me it was a little more than that.

Whenever I pay attention to him, he gives me a small smile. He looks happy rather than apologetic, which isn't what I expected. Isn't he ashamed of what he's been doing? Lying to me and giving me false hope. I deserve an apology with an explanation...(ㅠ^ㅠ)

"Alright, this will do for today! Thank you all for joining, have a nice day." Heeseung said smiling.

Everyone started leaving the meeting room, so I started packing my stuff as well. I wanted to leave quickly before he gets a chance to talk to me. I know we should have a talk about what happened, but I'm still mad and I don't want to end up fighting with him.

"Miss kim, may I speak to you on private?" He said while standing next to me, hands in his pockets. I looked up to him. "Yes sure.." I replied, standing up from the chair.

I followed him to his office, reminding myself that he's my boss and I can't get mad at him. I may get fired if he decided to use his boss card on me. After sitting facing each other, he gave me a kind smile. "I wanted to make sure you're doing well, you seem in a low spirit these days.." he said, looking at me worriedly.

"I'm doing fine, no need to worry sir." I replied smiling. He still had that worried expression on his face, giving me a faint smile. "But I feel that there's something bothering you...is it related to me?" He asked.
Is he trying to get on my nerves?? It's annoying when he plays dumb, he should know his mistakes.

"...well it's a thing that's not worth talking about. I'll get over it soon." I said looking straight at his eyes. He looked confused for a second, but then gave me a sly smile. "Is it because of what happened at the party last week?"

I was shocked that his kind cover finally vanished. He knew the problem all along, and yet decided to act innocent.

"I thought that you had no problem with such things. I'm sure you've heard about it before, and yet you still agreed on going out with me multiple times.
If it really bothers you then why didn't you tell me?" He said, still smiling.

I was silent for a few seconds, trying to think of a way to respond.
"I already mentioned that I was against the idea of meaningless relationships sir. I thought you were serious about our relationship and really tried to change. I guess I was wrong.." I finally spoke, giving him a sarcastic smile.

"Change? Why would I? All people are like that, it's all what they want. Both sides are satisfied at the end, all with no responsibilities after. I don't care about real love." he replied, grinning.

I was getting tired of seeing that grin plastered on his face. He was testing my patience, and I had to resist the urge to shout at him for playing with my feelings like that. I felt hurt from his words. I also felt stupid for being so naive and trusting a playboy just because he looked at me innocently a few times.

"I didn't think that you were serious about being against my relationships. I thought you were just trying to sound ideal," he added, "So now I lost a beautiful woman like you? Such a pity.."

I was disappointed and disgusted by what he said. How could he think of me as a body only? I was so angry and I couldn't handle another second with him.

I stood up from my seat and gave him a fake smile. "Yes you did sir. Now if you excuse me, I have work to do." I said while heading towards the door.


After two hours, I decided to head back home. It was already past my working hours, and I honestly needed a break from thinking of Heeseung.

"I don't care" {𝘌𝘯𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘧: 𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘧} Where stories live. Discover now