Chapter 10

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"All right. Watch the baby, all three of you." Tyreese tells us. Just as he was about to check the noise, a bird flies out which makes Mika run off.

"Mika!" Lizzie yells and runs after her, Tyreese grabs Judith and we follow pursuit.

"Mika!" Tyreese yells out.

"She's gone. You yelled her and now she's gone!" Lizzie shouts at him once we reach her. 

"He's tryin' te' protect us." I snap at her before looking around.

"Mika! Mika!" Tyreese continues to yell, we finally see her by a big tree. We go up to her. "Are you okay?" He bends down to her height.

"I got scared." Mika tells us.

"That's okay. We all get scared, you did the right thing running."

"What?" Lizzie says in disbelief.

"She did. You hear or see a walker run. But when you're in a group, you got to try to stay close to them okay?" Mika nods.

"You're bleeding. Did I hurt your arm bad?"

"It was a lot worse at the prison. No big."

"I'm sorry. I know I'm not like Lizzie."

"Don't be sorry. You each do things your own way, but you both get it done."

"Like you and Sasha?"

"You're not like Sasha." Lizzie comments.

"Cause you're still here and Sasha isn't." Before anyone could speak a woman screams, Tyreese gives Judith to Lizzie. "What are you doing?" He makes us stand in a weird triangle back to back.

"Come on. I'm making sure you can see in what directions you can. You stay like this and keep watch."

"You're leaving us?" Mika worries, the woman screams again.

"They may be from the prison. I need to help them."

"We need you."

"Mika, tuck your shirt behind your knife so it's easier to grab." I tell her, I know that she may need to fight. We always will in a world like this.

"We'll be okay." Lizzie tells Tyreese.

"What do you do when you see a walker?"

"Run." We say together.

"Together, towards me. Only fire if you have to. And you stay right here until I get back okay?"

"Please. Please don't go." Mika begs him.

"Mika, look at me. You can handle this, you're tough." Tyreese runs off.

"We'll be okay Mika." I tell her, Judith starts to cry again.

"Come on Judith, be quiet." Lizzie says.

"She's not stopping. Please one of you do something, they're going to hear us." Mika says, I turn my head to Lizzie. She was covering Judith's mouth and nose.

"Don't kill her!" I tell her, walkers soon start coming towards us. 

"Lizzie, Rachel. We have to run. Lizzie?" Mika speaks, Lizzie ignores her and continues to stop Judith from breathing.

"Lizzie! Let her breathe!" I try again, Mika shoots a walker. "I swear if ye' don't let 'er breathe." I threaten, Carol shows up and kills a walker.

"Are you all okay? Who are you with?" She asks, voice full of concern. Lizzie quickly uncovers Judith's mouth and nose.

"Tyreese, he went that way cause of a woman screaming." I reply while pointing in the direction that he ran.

"Come on." We follow Carol to some train tracks where Tyreese was. "Tyreese." He looks up to us, he gets to Carol and hugs her.

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