4 - just a ride

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Crystal Hayslett

"Nothing just waiting on my boyfriend to go get lunch," I made sure to say boyfriend, even though I knew he didn't care about neither of us.

"Well that's not going to happen because Mrs.Davis gave him lunch detention for skipping with you."

I smacked my teeth, that bitch always doing something with her black ass. I'm glad I no longer have to put up with her.

I'm in AP trigonometry, he had to retake geometry again so that's why he still has her class.

I pulled out my phone to call my mom when he stopped me, "No need, come on I'll give you and ride."

"I'm fine but thank you." I responded, I felt my phone being taken out of my hand and I looked up. "I wasn't asking."

I sighed grabbing it back and walked over to his car, he opened the door for me and I got in. "Put your seatbelt on."

"I do as I please," before he could pull off I took the keys out the ignition, "What the hell are you doing!?"

"Put your seat belt on Devale." I said and he smirked, "Who told you my name," I shrugged, "I have my ways."

He laughed and put his seatbelt on, "Happy now?" I nodded with a smile, "Very!" I gave him the keys.

He started the car and pulled off, he placed his hand on my thigh and I felt butterflies fill my stomach.

I tried to play cool but he could tell something was off so he pulled away, "Oh my bad, I usually have my hand on this seat."

"You're fine actually, you can put it back. Right there." I grabbed his hand putting it closer to my vagina.

He could practically feel it throbbing at his touch, he started to rub my thigh causing me to get hot.

We came to a red light and he moved up closer to her , I didn't say anything and just let him do him.

I knew this was wrong seeing as I had a boyfriend and he was my teacher, but it's only 3 years what's the harm in that.

Plus what Noah doesn't know wont hurt him right?

At this point this man's whole hand was resting on my lower area, I was wet as hell and I knew he could feel it.

"Drop that boyfriend of yours," he said out of nowhere, "Okay," this man has me so stuck it's sad.

He pulled his hand away and put it back on my thigh as he pulled up to Wendy's, he ordered me and him something and I ordered Kayla and Noah something.

He gave me a stare as the lady gave us the food, he didn't speak until we pulled off. "You weird."

"How I'm weird, I can't let the boy starve." Noah doesn't sit well with school food at all, he'll literally throw up.

He took his hand off my thigh and I sighed, this not even my man and we already bickering.

"Can you put your hand back?" Without it on my thigh I felt uneasy for some reason. "I'm straight,"

Instead of responding I got on my phone, we pulled up to the school and I hopped out as fast as I could.

I made sure I had everything before dashing in the school, Devale just pissed me and I'm just aggravated.

I joined Kayla in the cafeteria at our usual spot, "Bitch where'd you go?" I held up the bags and gave her food.

"Where's Noah?" , "Lunch detention, let me go give him this food." I grabbed his bag and mine because I might stay with him.

Once I reached Mrs.Davis class I noticed Devale talking to one of the young teachers, 26 to be exact.

Ms.Evans taught chemistry, I had her last year and I liked her. Now I don't, because she's smiling a lil too hard.

I knocked on Davis's door and she let me in already knowing what I was coming for, she let Noah out.

"Thank you baby, her ass was pissing me off."I gave him his food, "want to go to moms office?" He nodded before him and I shared a kiss.

He wrapped his arm around my neck and we turned to the direction Devale and Ms.Evans we're in.

Devale was giving me a death glare, I just smirked and kept walking with my man. Two can play that game.

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