2 - embarrassed

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Crystal Hayslett

Ever since the situation that occurred with Mr.Ellis I've been skipping his class in my moms office.

I was way to embarrassed to be seen in his class after he showed me up, plus I could tell he knew he turned me on.

I could see it all in his smirk, now I was attracted him. Like I'm on him real bad, and I'm embarrassed.

I don't even know why but I'm so nervous around him now. Anytime I see him in the halls or anything I get shy.

He makes me melt and it's only been a week of me knowing him, Noah, my boyfriend is noticing it too.

Anytime we kiss in the halls and he walks pass I pull away and Noah notices anything I do, he knows me.

It's just mad hard yo.

"So you skipping dude class again?" Noah entered my moms office, she was in a meeting.

"Because you like him?" , "No Noah I don't, I'm just embarrassed I told you this already." I rolled my eyes lying.

"Okay Crystal ima take your word for it." I smacked my teeth knowing what that meant. "Your pitiful."

"How am I pitiful." I turned to look at him, "Why can't we just have us moment why any time we're together now you bring him up?"

"Because anytime we're together and he's around you act stuck." He yelled back, "I love you Noah okay? He's just a fucking dumb teacher."

"So get him fired." He responded, "I can't my mom needs him, she's already fired 4 people for me. She called in a favor for him."

"He's not even licensed to be a teacher, he's here with a college. He's doing school work and working at the same time." I explained.

When my mom told me I finally got what he meant when he said he didn't need or want this job.

Ellis goes to NYU and, I go to All Hallows' High. My mom works with a lot of educators and people big in the teacher/administrators world.

I have a full ride scholarship to NYU, my mom spoke with them about needing a teacher and not being able to find one.

They decided since Hallow was going to be bringing in some of their best students next year to send her over one of their best.

Mr.Ellis, he's only in his second year because of his gap year and that's a flex.He got picked as a top.

A/N: he graduated at 18, he took a gap year(a year off school) for 19 then started at 20, now he's 21 and is in his sophomore year of college.

"How you know?" I gave him that look and then looked to my mom photos on her desk and he got the hint.

He came and sat in the other chair, I did the same sitting on his lap. "Baby I'm sorry for being insecure you know I get jealous."

"Yea Noah I understand, you just don't need to think it's okay to get aggressive with me when you're mad."

Noah always does real aggressive things when he's mad, like for instance he'll break something of mine.

Then he'll call me names or shove me and slap me across my face like a random he met on the street.

I start to get fed up with that, "I know but you gotta know I don't mean to," I don't know shit, I sighed.

"Yea I know Noah." I laid on his shoulder and got on my phone, seconds later the door opened.

I stayed put thinking it was my mom but I was wrong. "Ms.Hayslett can I speak with you?"

I looked up to Mr.Ellis then back at Noah, he was furious. "No man she's busy." Noah growled at him.

"Little boy if you don't take yo butt to class I'll call your mother, I heard what she did to you the last time you got in trouble."

Noah huffed and tapped my leg twice, I got up and he did as well, he hugged me then turned to Mr.Ellis.

He turned back to me and kissed me passionately earning a moan out of me. "Meet me here for lunch."

He nodded before pushing past Ellis and leaving, "Wassup?" I asked checking the clock, I still had 10 minutes til next period.

"Why have you been skipping my class?" I shrugged, "What did I tell you the first day we met, because I can."

"You know you're failing right?" I jumped at that, one thing I did not play about was my grades.

I have all A's and one b in health because it's after lunch and I be taking forever to each so I'm always late.

"No im not, I do all my work." I responded,

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