Chapter Four

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Gasps fill the over crowded boat as a large pounding sound is heard. It's much larger that any normal titan or abnormal. The pounding gets louder and faster, almost like the Titan is charging at the wall.

"Retreat!" A faint yell from a commander shatters the uneasy silence, "we're being charged!"

"I-it's charging," I speak in a whisper, "the wall has no chance." The Titan must be bigger than others and more powerful, since we can hear its pounding footsteps from here.

A shaft of light is still visible from the gate. 'Why haven't they closed it yet?' I thought to myself. Then the screams in the distance grew. The weeping on the decks never ceased. Anxiety attacks, constant screaming, and scarred people are many on the large boats.

"Close the gate! Now!" An authoritative and panicked voice screams over the pounding of footsteps. The gate descends slowly, much too slowly.

The thunderous footfalls grow unbearably loud, making the water in the canal swish back and forth. It's footsteps make the ground shudder as each footfall crashes upon the earth. It starts slowly, then accelerates it pace.

Then, a large crash. The Titan charges straight through wall Maria, causing dust and debris to fill the already filthy air. It bursts straight through the wall, causing the wall to shatter and soldiers go flying in the air screaming. The enormous Titan slides 10 meters before skidding to a stop in a fighting position that no one could beat.

'Wall Maria,' I thought horrified, 'It's broken through wall Maria.'

The titan opens his mouth and a fire like steam releases from it. With skin made to look like armor, the Titan stands to its full, impressive height. It turns towards the hole in the wall he made, examining it. His whole body moves without a flaw, not being damaged by the charge at all.

"The wall!" A man yells hoarsely. Other around him gasp and point to wall Maria.

"It's broken through the wall!" Numerous voices repeat, as wails of fear fill the air.

A large cloud of dust and debris fully covers the body of the Titan, allowing not an inch to be shown. The boat lurched ever so slightly as it calmly sails the smooth waters of the canals.

The Titan shows no signs of hearing us. Moving slowly, we are almost out of sight, when the dust clears, showing us no proof that the Titan was even there. The only evidence, the massive hole in wall Maria.

Titans started through the newly opened area. They make their way through the hole, lumbering around.

They kill. They murder innocent people. And for what? They don't need the nutrition. They survive a hundred years without human beings as their savory snacks.

"We're dead, we are all dead," a woman whimpers as she looks over to the Titans, "We're all dead and standing at the gates of hell."

Titans have no intestinal organs, they kill just for the fun of it. They endanger our lives, just for the fun of it!

"We're all going to be devoured!" A voice towards the back yells, causing panic to spread like wildfire throughout the boat.

I sit, with my legs curled to my chest, against the wooden wall of the boat, next to a boy.

"Who knew that the Titans," the boy next to me spits out the word, "of all things," He pauses, shaking his blonde, neatly shaved hair, "would be the gateway to our end."

He looks over to me, still covered in my families blood, "Aspen. Aspen Shreiber. And you are?"

"Cianna," I answer weakly as he nods, his brown eyes looking off into the distance once more, a scar on his cheek clearly visible, looking relatively new. A bruise around his eye is forming slowly and a drop of blood trickles off his structure chin, "Cianna Zëll."

With his legs bent like mine, but in a more comfortable way, he rests his arms on them, nodding his head to show me he was listening.

"So, Cianna Zëll," he started, turning his head to my direction once again, "How old are you?"

"10," I answered immediately and asked him, "how old might you be?"

"10," he answers simply. He looked almost comfortable being on an overcrowded boat, next to a nervous, bloodied girl. But, if you look into his brown orbs, they are fogged. They have fear, anticipation, and nervousness crowding them. He wraps his arm losely around my shoulders.

"What are you doing?" I ask him cautiously.

Looking into my blue eyes he answers solemnly, "Everyone need a little comfort after this," he pauses, trying to find the right word, "Mess." I nod in understanding as he squeezed my shoulders letting his arms fall back comfortably on his knees.

"Aspen?" I asked nervously and scared as he looked over once more,"This isn't going to end well, is it?"

"Not at all Cia," He looked at me with sadness reflecting in his warm brown orbs, and scooted closer to me, wrapping his arm over my shoulders once again. "Not at all." He repeated, hugging me closer to his warm chest, trying to keep me from breaking.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and tried to keep him from breaking too. Though, in our hearts, we knew that we were already broken and could never be fixed.

"I'm glad your here Aspen." I mumble into his chest as I hear his steady heart beat, "Thank you. Your like the older brother I never had. I will stay by your side as long as you stay by mine."

He rests his head on top of my hair and I can feel him smile, "And you, Cia," he started, "Are like the little sister I once had, but failed to protect." He looks down sadly, "I will not make that mistake again, I will try to protect you as my new sister. Thank you," he pauses, "For my second chance."

We stay in the embrace for most of the boat trip. Aspen then let's his arm go, as it was numb and had prickles going throughout it. He started laughing as I poked it. At least I have a family, even if it's not blood related. Aspen is my new older brother, as I am his little sister. As the light dims and the night gets colder, I wrap myself in my torn blue sweater.

Aspen wraps his arms around me to keep warm. Luckily, he's not freezing. For he has a scarlet sweater if his own.

"Goodnight Ash." I whispered to Aspen.

"Ash? Where did that come from?" He asked quietly, still holding me to his warm chest.

"Well, if I'm ever in trouble, or just a special name, I will call you something extraordinary, so you can tell its me." I explained, while yawning.

"Oh," he said in understanding, "then I will call you... Chia."

"Goodnight Ash," I whispered once more as I snuggled into his chest, closing my eyes.

"Goodnight Chia," I faintly hear Aspen whisper, before I am swept into the land of unconsciousness.

Attack On Titan: Fire Away || Eren Jaegar X OCWhere stories live. Discover now