Chapter Eighteen

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3rd person

"Damn you," Eren says as he watches Armin stretch out his hand with tears in his eyes.

"Damn you," he whispers hoarsely as he watches as the Titans jaws slowly clamp shut, severing his left arm off.

He slides down the throat of the beast into a slush kind of water. All he can see is a crimson red. All he can hear is his pained and labored breathing.

His bloodshot, teal eyes looks down at the slushy water. He gasps as dead bodies float aimlessly around. Their wide, glassy eyes stare at the roof of the large stomach. He backs up, breathing quickly as his eyes widen.

"Ah!" He screams repeatedly as he looks around in panic.

He jumps as his back hits something. He quickly turns around, seeing a severed head. He screams again, but louder as it all comes crashing down upon him.

"T-this this isn't real," He says hiccuping, as tears threaten to fall from his eyes, "W-we were ready. We had the books, we trained!"

"These things weren't a mystery to us anymore," He says as tears fall from his bloodshot teal eyes, "We knew how to beat them, I survived."

"H-help me," a croaky voice wails behind him as he turns around. A head of brown hair is sinking rapidly into the slush, "I-it's so hot."

"I-I need to go home," The girls whimpers, breathing deeply, "Mom will be worried. I know she would."

"Mom," Eren whispers to himself, hiccuping, "Oh mom."

"Help me," The girls says, but gets sucked under, unable to get up, "Pleas-."

He watches in horror as she sinks into the slush like quicksand. Her cries are cut short as the slush covers her, killing her.

"H-how has it come to this?" He whimpers as he looks at the corpses floating, "Why has everything been taken from us? O-our lives, our dreams, e-everything."

Tears flow freely from his eyes as his top shakes with sobs and hiccups.

"Damn you," He whispers hoarsely as he sinks deeper into the stomach slush.

"D-damn you all to hell!" He yells with gritted teeth, raising his half arm to the mouth of the beast, "I refuse to die like this! I'll drag them all out, kill them with my bare hands!"

"Do you hear me?!" He screams as tears fall, "With my bare hands!" And his world turns into a black abbess.

A large hand shoots straight out of the titans mouth. The Titan stumbles as its falls to the floor. The arm immediately is sucked back in. The skin on the back of the Titan twitches. A shape rapidly moves making the skin stretch and finally, breaks.

As the skin on the Titans back breaks, blood splatters across the streets. A large body appears, covered in blood. A Titan.

It opens its skeletal mouth as steam releases. It then tilts it head up, letting out an almighty roar.

It stands to its impressive full height, it's teal eyes alight with rage. It takes a large step, then another. It kicks the head of the other Titan clean off.

A small Titan lumbers around as the abnormal turns its head towards it. He bends down slightly, as he spreads his feet.

With thundering footsteps, he lumbers over to the mindless 4 meter. He stops a good ten meters from the other,

"This isn't your world," He speaks in a demonic voice, his eyes glowing bright, "Not anymore!"

The small Titan quickly pounces on the larger Titan. As it is in mid air, the larger Titan swings its powerful fist out, hitting it directly in the head.

Attack On Titan: Fire Away || Eren Jaegar X OCWhere stories live. Discover now