Chapter 4: Four.

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My dad stared at me from across the table. I was getting uncomfortable. "What?" I snapped. He leaned back in his chair and gripped onto his fork. "Who was the lad in the store today with you?" He asked through his clenched jaw. "A costumer dad. Who do you think it is?" I said playing with my food. "Mhm, that's what I thought. So I left then came back an hour later and he was still there." He said slowly.

I looked up at him. "Dad. He bought a guitar, and when he got home he realized on of the strings were cut in half. He's nobody, dad." I lied. He stabbed his fork into the wooden table. "How dare you lie to me!" He yelled. I got my dish and put it in the sink. "I'm not lying dad! I don't even know his name! God!" I yelled back and slammed my bedroom door. My bottom lip quivered but I tried to hold back the tears.

I couldn't though, I needed to let it all out. I put my head in my pillow and screamed. Tears fell from my eyes and hit the pillow. I heard a knock on my door. I ran to the door and locked it. "Ella, come on. Open the door." My dad said. I didn't reply. "Ok, fine. I talk you listen." He paused and I sat down on my bed and hugged my knees. "I know I overreacted, I just. Oh, I don't know. I'm trying to protect you from the world." He said.

"Dad. No." I said opening my door. "This has been going on for 2 years dad. 2 years. And I'm sick, and tired of you doing it. I'm almost 17 years old, I think I can handle this myself." I yelled sitting back down on my bed. He sat on my desk chair. "Ella." He whispered. I looked down.

"You're so lucky." I whispered.

"How's that?" He said.

"You're so lucky I haven't told anyone." I whispered.

"And I know you won't." He said sitting next to me. I stood up. "And what if I do?" I asked. "Well, I know you won't because you love me." He smiled. I shook my head and looked out the window. Tears fell from my eyes again.

"Right now I'm not so sure." I whispered.

He sighed. "El-" I stood up again and stopped him. "Four lives dad. Think about it, four lives." I whispered. His face softened. "Get out." I mumbled. He stood up and walked out the door. Before he shut it, he looked me in the eyes. "You'll thank me later." He whispered. I clenched my jaw and stared him down.

"Not in a million years."

I slammed my door in his face and started crying again. "It's not fair." I whispered to myself. I turned on my radio and listened to Demi Lovato, Skyscraper. I got out my guitar and started playing along with it. I thought of Niall, his smile, his eyes, oh and his laugh. I shook the thoughts out of my head. I can't think about Him, my dad is already saying things about him. I knew it was a mistake.

I should've just Told him to stay away from me. But, I couldn't. Just the way his face lit up when he was talking, I just.. I can't. I laid down and closed my eyes. I just want to escape from here.

But if I do...

No, I won't.

I can't.


I couldn't take the smile off my face as I walked through the door. "Where have you been?" Harry asked. "And why do you look like that?" He asked. "I-I, I went to Nandos!" I lied quickly. I couldn't tell him I was with Ella all day. "Yeah right! You look like you met a girl!" He said shaking me by the shoulders. "I-I.." I trailed off. "You did! Tell me about her." He said sitting me down on the couch.

I cleared my throat. "Well, she has long curly blonde hair, the most beautiful blue eyes. The best personality. She's amazing." I said. "Wow. What's her name." He asked. "Ella." I said without thinking. I sat up. "Wait, I mean-" "You mean. The Ella at the mall don't you." He said quietly. "Yes, it's the same girl. But Harry-" I started to say but he interrupted me.

"No, it's fine." He paused. "I'm going to bed." He whispered. He walked to the stairs. "Wait, Harry.." I said. He turned around to face me. "Are you okay?" I said. "Yeah, I just-" He stopped.


"Nothing, you made the move first." He smiled at me.

"You guys would be cute together." He said.

"Thanks." I whispered. He turned and walked up the stairs to go to bed. I went to my room and laid on the bed. I actually felt bad for Harry. He had feelings for Ella, and I kind of took her away from him. But really, she was never his. He never said a word to her. It's just- nevermind. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, thinking of Ella.

The next morning I woke up and nine and got ready quickly. "Where are you going?" Harry asked as I put on my shoes. "Going to Ella's work." I said. "Oh, where does she work?" He asked. "Music store down the street." I said he nodded slowly with a sad expression on his face. "You can come by later if you want." I suggested. "Maybe." He shrugged.

I walked out the door and down the street. I stopped at Starbucks and got Ella breakfast. "You're the kid from the X Factor!" The cashier said. I smiled and nodded. I got the drink and food, and walked to the music store. "Hey Niall!" Jane said as I walked into the store. "Hello." I said going up to the counter. "You got Ella breakfast didn't you." She smiled. I nodded. "I knew you would! I'll go get her!" She said.

I laughed and she walked in the back to get Ella. I heard mumbling in the back. The walked out Ella took my breath away. She looked stunning no matter what. Today she had her hair in a side braid with a pink button up shirt with dark blue jeans. "Hi Niall." She said quietly. "H-hi." I stuttered and blushed. "I got you breakfast." I said handing her the bag. "Thank you." She smiled at me. "Pay up." Jane said holding out her hand.

Ella handed her a ten dollar bill. "I bet Ella 10 bucks you would buy her breakfast." Jane said. I laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Niall how much do I owe you?" Ella asked. I laughed at her. "What?" She asked confused. "You don't owe me anything, my treat." I smiled. "Thanks." She smiled putting her wallet away, I nodded. I just stated at her while she took her food out of the bag. She looked up at me.

"What?" She smiled. "N-nothing." I said nervously. She giggles. God, her laugh was adorable. I felt butterflies in my stomach just looking at her, is that weird? Not normal? I shook it off and started talking to Ella again, just like yesterday. She seemed more shy today then she was yesterday.

"Are you ok?" I asked. Her eyes widened and she looked down. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" She said. "Just wondering." I said. She nodded slowly, and we continued out conversation. The door opened and I looked over my shoulder.



Authors Note:

Helloooo! Hope you liked this chapter. Please tell people about this fanfic. (: More is coming!!


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