Chapter 9: The Others

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Hello(: I just wanted to tell you that I'm looking for a new cover. I don't really like the one I made. So if you can make one and Kik it to me @Im_A_Payne I would be so happy! Thank you(:



I walked in the back and put the flowers near my bag. The question is, why am I going to actually do with them? If I bring them home, my dad will want to know who gave them to me. I can't say I bought them myself. And he will never believe me if I tell him that I bought them for him. I just need to figure this out later.

I got the green SnapBack out of my bag. It had a white crown on it. I walked back to Jane and Niall. I heard whispering so I stopped to listen. "Niall just tell me." I heard Jane whisper. "Fine, I want to talk to Ella's dad without her knowing. I don't want her to freak out." He said in a low voice. "Niall. No." I said turning the corner. "You heard?" He said. "Yes, I did. And you're not meeting my dad nor talking to him." I said through my clenched jaw.

"Ella-" I stopped him. "Niall, please. You can't." I begged. "Why, why can't I?" He asked. I stood there with no words coming out of my mouth. Niall raised his eyebrows at me. "You just can't." I whispered. "That's not an answer. Ella, your dad is protective I get it-" I cut him off. "No, Niall. You don't get it, no one does." I said quietly. "You're gonna have to tell me sooner or later." He said. I just shook my head.

"Why can't you tell me?" He whispered stepping closer to me. A tear fell from my eye. "I just can't." I whispered. He sighed and walked away. He Walked away from me and Jane, he walked out the door. Jane didn't say anything. I walked back in the back and sat down by my bag. I threw the hat back in my bag and covered my face.

I looked at the flowers and pulled out a note.

~You can trust me. (: ~

I put the note down and thought.


"So you just walked out?" Harry asked. I nodded. "That's probably the stupidest thing that you'd do." Harry said. "Why?" I asked. "Niall, you don't just walk out on a girl." Harry Said. "You should've said sorry or-" I stopped him. "What did I do?" I said. "You argued with her." Harry said. "But she wasn't mad really. She was upset." I explained. "Well, I don't know. You have to talk to her though." Harry said.

I looked at the clock. It was 7 pm. I hadn't gone back to the shop the whole day. "She's probably gone." I said. "Then go to her house." Harry said. "But what about her dad?" I asked. "Don't run into her dad." Harry shrugged. I got up and put onto my shoes. "I'll be back." I said before walking out the door. I got in my car and started driving in the direction I remember her house. I parked in the street. There was no cars in the driveway.

Maybe her dad isn't home. I walked over to her bedroom window and climbed the tree tree near it. I jumped onto a ledge by the window. I knocked quietly on her window. Her curtains moved out of the way. I saw Ella's beautiful face. She looked sad though, and shocked. She opened up her window quickly. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I wanted to talk to you." I said. "So you decide to climb up my house?" She laughed.

"Yes." I smiled. "Get in here." She said moving out of the way so I could climb in. She helped me in and closed her window. I sat down on her bed. "What did you want to talk about?" She asked sitting next to me. "Earlier. Listen, Ella. I'm sorry for all of that, I just got carried away I guess." I said. "It's fine Niall." Is all she said. She had her head down and looked like she was thinking.

"Who's that?" I asked walking over to my desk. Her head popped up and she stood next to me. She spoke softly with a smile on her lips. "His name is Brett. He used to be my best friend." I picked up the picture. She was on his back and they were on the beach. "Used to be?" I asked. "Yeah, he died." Her voice cracked. I put my arm around her waist. "What happened?" I whispered.

She stayed quiet and shook her head. "Car accident." She whispered. "I'm sorry." I said running her back. "Yeah, me too." She said. "Oh, I have something for you." She said walking over to her bag. "What is it?" I asked. She handed me a SnapBack. "It's an exchange, I got yours, so you have mine." She said. "This is sweet! Thank you." I said hugging her. "Where's your dad?" I asked.

"He's at work." She said peeking at her clock. "Oh." I said. "Ella, are you sure you have no pictures of your mom." I asked. "Niall, I already told you-" I interrupted her. "Have you ever looked?" He asked. "No, I never really thought about it." She shrugged. "I think you should look." I said moving towards the door. She pulled me back. "No, you are not leaving this room." She said. "Why not?" I asked.

"If my dad comes home, and he sees you. He won't be happy." She said sitting on bed. "Well, what do we do?" I asked. "We could watch a movie." She suggested. I nodded. She pulled out a box from underneath her bed. It had a ton of movies in them. "I'm a movie freak." She said searching through the box. I laughed. "How about this one?" She held up and disc. It was Taken. "Sure." I said.

She slipped the disc into her TV and pulled up her two bean bags. "Stay here. I'll be right back." She said walking towards her door. She left the room and I sat down in a bean bag. I pulled on the tag. It had writing on it.

'ɪ Ɩօ۷ɛ ყօʊ.'

Was written sloppily on the tag. Their was a stain near the writing. I heard the door open and my head shot up. She had a bowl of popcorn. "What are you looking at?" She knelt down next to me. "Have you seen this before?" I showed her the writing. She took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair. "No." She whispered. "I never really use this beanbag." She whispered.

"Who wrote it? Was it your dad?" I asked. She shook her head no. "I'd recognize that handwriting anywhere." She smiled. "Who's?" I asked. She looked up at me. She sat down in her beanbag. "He's not around anymore." She said sadly. "Is it from Brett?" I asked. "No, my old boyfriend Luke. We dated a while ago." She said quietly. "Is he dead-" She cut me off. "Yeah, but no one knows what happened to him." She said uncertain.

She turn on the movie and we started watching it. I couldn't help but sneak glances at her. She didn't seem interested in the movie though. She looked like she was thinking.. Hard. We were about half way in the movie when I lowered the volume. "Ella, do you want to talk about anything. You look.. Distracted." I said. She looked up at me, she was crying. "Ella." I whispered.

I wrapped my arms around her and have her a hug. "Why are you crying?" I asked wiping her tears. She shook her head. "Nothing, I'm fine." She said. "You're crying. Ella. Something's wrong." I said. "I just miss them." She whispered. "Who?" I asked. "Brett, Luke and the others." She mumbled. "What do you mean the others?" I asked. She opened her mouth. But the door downstairs opened. She stood up quickly and pulled me up.

"Niall, you have to hide." She whispered in panic. "Why? I can meet your-" "No, Niall. Listen, you have to hide in here. Don't make a sound or any movement.. ok?" She whispered her voice shaky. I could tell she was terrified. She opened her closet door and I climbed inside. Before she shut the door, she looked at me dead straight in the eye.

She put her finger to her lips.



Authors Note:

Helloooo(: Ok, for what I said in the beginning I would really like a new cover for this story. So if you could make one.. It would mean a lot. It has to say: Shhh.. & By: Sam_Montry

Kik it to me @Im_A_Payne

Thank youuuu(:

More is coming!


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